Day One Hundred Seventy Five - Recovery Day 48

Oh my gosh...I'm so tired! You know, yesterday we moved those BIG chairs out of the room where we're putting on the 'Ghost Hunt' game and those things are heavy. Lisa held the heaviest part and I just held the top so it wasn't too bad for me, but wow I get tired quick. I haven't been exercising for the past almost two months now. My body lost all it's energy lol. I can't wait to get back to lifting weights and doing my DDP yoga. I need that pretty bad now.

We did a lot today. Lisa was there with me but she had to go to school and handle some things so she was gone for a while this morning, then she came back, but had to leave again for class. She's doing great though and I'm so proud of her and the effort she's putting in for her Nursing School scholarships, as well as trying to bring up her grade in her class. She's doing wonderfully well.

Ok, we still got a lot to decorate. I just wanted to put how tired I am from this work. It's so much work and I've got so much more to do and just three more days. My grandpa and grandma, as well as my dad and our pal, Lawrence, came by to help us tonight, which was great! There were supposed to be WAY MORE ppl who showed up, as I texted everyone, but I guess they were "busy". It's ok though because we got plenty done tonight. Tomorrow night, everyone is supposed to show up again so we can get everything done because once Thursday gets here, it's Crunch Time!!


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