Day One Hundred Eighty Four - Recovery Day 57


I feel so cruddy! I completely forgot that her big day was today. I get so mixed up with her birthday because my aunt (her sister) has a birthday that's on the 30th and my mom's is today the 29th. Well I get mixed up sometimes and I end up thinking that her birthday is the 30th so I'll go the whole day OF her birthday without calling her or anything. My dad texted me today and told me (reminded me) i'm such an idiot. So right away I called my mom and wished her Happy Birthday! She was in Durango with my dad. I thought maybe they were going to do something here, but they were out there which was cool. I'm glad she is out doing something on her day. I feel so bad because I don't have any money and I wish I did so I could get her a big present. Our money has been so so so tight these last few weeks. I can't wait until we get that damn loan paid off. Sux to have to give a big chunk of money away every two weeks to pay for that damn thing.

Well we went to the casino today to try and win something with the few bucks I gathered together. No luck! Obviously. Maybe tomorrow we'll win something if me and grandpa go there. I sure hope so but my cats will need food and my dogs need a straw bail so I can spread it out in their houses because it's really gotten cold these last few days. So glad I got our pellet stove started last night. Now we're nice and warm.

So nothing else happened the rest of the day. Just hung around the house here. Now I'm going to just lounge in the living room. It's been a long day.


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