Day One Hundred Fifty Nine - Recovery Day 32

I'm feeling really good today!
My stomach is not bothering me and I feel stronger everyday.

Today we went to church, but we got there late. I had lots of organizing to do. I set the games list for Hallowed Eve 8. Took me a while to get all that done, then try to get Lisa's printer to work. That's what took so long, so we got to church really late, but I posted the list and now everyone knows what to do. I think this'll be a really fun event this year.

After church, I took Lisa to lunch. Yesterday, my mom told me that she and my dad went to Burger King and had a Black Whopper. I'm like, What?! Actual black whopper! Now, I figure I'd blow off the "no burger king no mcdonalds" rule for just today and get us a Black Halloween Whopper. So we went over there to get one...and they were sold out :'( Ugh, just our luck! They said they won't get any more until Tuesday, which sux.

Well the rest of the day was pretty easy going. I want to exercise so bad. I was sitting on the couch today wishing I could lift some weights, but I couldn't do anything or rather can't do anything until November. I'm going to be really scared lifting anything though. I just hope I'm ok to do that come November. We'll see.

Tonight I went to Grandma and Grandpa's to watch TNA's Bound For Glory. That's their biggest pay-per-view event of the year. It happens every October and I've been watching it every year. I tired to buy it here at my place, but because my bill has a past due on it, they won't let me buy anything until I get caught up, which is stupid. I hate how these idiot companies work nowadays. Pisses me off! Anyway, grandpa bought it for me and it was nice to spend time with them again and watch some great wrestling down there. It was a nice evening!

Today was a great day!


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