Day One Hundred Seventy Four - Recovery Day 47

Ok I'm on my last two weeks of recovery!!
I can't wait to be done with it all. This week, I'll need to be super careful. Today, we started decorating for 'Hallowed Eve 8'. So far, it's coming along great, but right now I am pretty tired. Went to the church this morning with Lisa and we started decorating. Lots to get done because I wanna be done with everything by Thursday. I'm just so glad everyone moved those heavy pews yesterday.

One week until the big event that I was asked to put on, but most importantly, I do this for our Heavenly Father and for His house, that ppl make come to Him and His church. I hope it really turns out great! Lots of work, but it's more than worth the effort.

I won't be writing too much until Friday because after today, I might be too tired to do anything when I finally get home lol. We shall see!


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