Day One Hundred Fifty Six - Recovery Day 29

Happy October 1st!!!!
Wow, so it's definitely safe to say that Summer is Over for 2015 :( Awww!! I had so much fun over the summer as well. But, it's great to know that the holidays are upon us again. I love this time of year. First it's Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and finally my favorite holiday, Christmas ;)

So today was pretty good! I'm feeling Awesome, but I am afraid I'm putting on weight. Whether I am or not is unknown. I just feel that way because I'm not exercising. I am, as I've said, going to start up my walking again but I've been out selling too much. Today, same thing. Today was a great day for selling! I got $45 out there today so that was more than enough for my dog food, cat food and I bought some stuff for Lisa that she needed. We also sold a Gameboy system for $100 but we won't be getting that money until next Thursday, so that'll be good also!! All in all, today we did Great in selling. Of course, now that I've bought the things we needed, especially my pets food, I'm all dry again lol. So tomorrow, we're going to go selling once again and try to get a little bit of gas money and hopefully some spending money. I hear there's a fair going on this weekend, so maybe tomorrow we'll get lots of customers. Keeping my fingers crossed.

My stomach is doing great today! I'm keeping it cleaned during my showers. I gotta say, it's back to normal now, just about. I no longer have any kind of pain or anything. I'm still being very careful when I do anything and I never lift anything heavy. That is really hard though, honestly. I really want to lift things, but I have to stop myself before I do and it's very frustrating. I'm so used to doing things by myself and getting things done, but I can't now.

This afternoon was insane! That's all I'm going to say. Just running back and forth taking Lisa to school picking her up and all the rushing around we did was pointless because she didn't even take her dang quiz, which is why we were running around wasting gas. Ugh!

My brother is coming over this evening. So Lees and I are going to head up town and rent a movie. He's really into watching scary movies with us so we're gonna go look for a good one then come back here and watch it. That'll be fun. So, another day and it was Awesome!


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