Day One Hundred Sixty Eight - Recovery Day 41

Really nice day today!
Kinda chilly this morning, but it was ok. I got up, then started getting things ready. Lisa helped out and we just waited. Just after 9am, the gas guys called and they came over. Oh man, that was a chore. Nothing worked right off. There was so much air in the gas lines because I hadn't had gas in there for a long time. Everything took a while to finally lite. Sux though because I have a leak somewhere. They did a leak check and somewhere, it's not good. They couldn't find it, or rather they didn't really seem to look for it. So, they told me to make another appointment and have the company send out a technician so he could find the leak and fix it. So I did that after they left and they scheduled me for tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow morning because after he's done, I'd like to pay for the gas then go and do some things.

Since I was waiting for the gas guys, I didn't get to walk today. I really want to so bad. I really need new shoes because the ones I have are so bad that my feet hurt pretty bad when I'm done with my walk. I also hated having to postpone the decorating at church for Thursday, since tomorrow for sure I won't be able to do it either. We really need to get busy on Hallowed Eve 8. Lots to do and coming up to just one week before the event now. It's crunch time ;)

This evening we went down to grandma and grandpa's for dinner. It was just them, Lisa and I, and my mom, dad, brother and sister. No one else. It was nice to spend the evening with them. I didn't really care for the food though. It was nice to sit and visit with Grandpa. I told him about my casino visit yesterday and how that guy was winning like crazy at that quarter machine. We sat there and watched old Western movies. They were pretty interesting. So it was a great night!

Now, I'm tired and going to maybe watch a movie then drop off to sleep early. Goodnight!


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