Day One Hundred Fifty Seven - Recovery Day 30

Today was an Awesome Day!!
We went out selling again today, but we almost didn't go. While we were getting ready, the wind picked up outside. It was sunny, but the wind was blowing and it looked like it was going pretty hard. Well at the last minute, I decided to just cruise on out there and see what we could do. I'm so glad I did, honestly. We did pretty good selling. Lots of people came by and bought movies and games from me. I was very surprised. Usually, Fridays aren't that great, but today was superb! I guess it's because there's the big Navajo Nation Fair going on this weekend.

This evening was so great!! I had Lisa drop me off at the casino. I called my grandpa earlier and told him that I'd be there, since he mentioned wanting to go there with me on Friday afternoon. At first, he said he was busy, but I think he did want to go so he told me that once he was done with what he was doing, he and my grandma would come over. So, I had Lisa dump me off there before she went to work. I spent the first hour or so just playing a couple bucks. Finally, I saw grandpa. He came over and we got right into the fun. We went to my favorite quarter machines, the new ones, and both sat down. Grandpa gave me some money to play and we just had a great time sitting next to each other. He really loved those new quarter machines. I played $20 and didn't win anything. Then he gave me another $20 so I played that. I was very reluctant to take his money, because I didn't want to waste it if I lost, but he insisted and I don't like making my grandpa feel bad by not taking the things he gives me. Nobody likes that. Anyway, I told him that machine I was at was not paying so he gave me another $20 and told me to try the other side. I was really getting scared because I thought I was wasting too much of his money, but I tried it. OMGOSH then I hit a BIG WIN!!!! Wooohoooo!!!! Finally, oh man! Ok, this win was only $215 but for me, that's a LOT of money because I never win anything like that at that casino!! Never!! The most I ever won there was $100 and that was about 7 months ago. Hadn't won anything since then. Oh man, I was so excited!! That was what I was looking for. Now, here's what I did next.
I took my ticket and cashed out. Had $215 in my hand. Grandpa was talking to a friend of his so I waited until he was done. After his friend left, I walked over to grandpa and I GAVE him the ENTIRE $215 win ;) That was his money I won it with, so I considered that his win and not mine. I never take advantage of my grandparents, unlike some of these other ppl I see. I handed him everything. He asked me, "is this mine?" I told him yes, because I won it with his money and that it was his win. He was happy I won. To my surprise, Grandpa took only the money he lent me, then he gave the rest of it to back to me and told me to keep it :'D Oh man, I was so thankful!! You have no idea how thankful I was to him for doing that. I was so more than happy!! Now I don't have to sell out there anymore. Plenty of money to do whatever now and to get some gas. Oh man, so so so so happy!!!! So then my grandma finally came in and sat down with us. I played only a little bit after that. I didn't want to put all my money back into the machine. So, grandpa switched to the machine I won at and he started cleaning up :D It was so fun!! We were both jumping up and down excited at his wins lol. He won and won and won, I was so happy for him. Finally, he lost so he wanted to try a different machine so I took him to my other favorite quarter machines on the other side of the casino. Grandma left to go back outside. She played a little bit, but she was ready to leave so she went back out to the car and waited. Me and grandpa went to the other side. First, he stopped at a dollar machine and I waited there with him. He almost won Big Money, but didn't quite get it. Still, he won over $50 there, which was Awesome! Then, I told him to cash out so he did, then we went to the other side. We sat there at those quarter machines. I played next to him, but I didn't have any luck. I only played $10 total. I was pretty much done for the day. I just didn't want him playing by himself. It was exciting because he was coming really close to these really big wins, oh man. We were jumping up and down excited hahahaha. It was so fun!! He didn't hit anything big, but he did win a good amount of money. We had so much fun!!! After that we left and he cashed out all his winnings. It was Awesome!! We were both winners tonight! I was so proud and happy. It wasn't just about the winnings, though. It's because I had a great time with my grandparents. That alone was worth more than any amount of money I would ever win at any casino in the world. Tonight's memory is going to stay with me Forever :)

They drove me home afterwards. I thanked them both for a great evening. Then, I hung out here at home and just waited. When Lisa came home, we both left and I took her to Walmart. We got some food. I was going to buy the movie, 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' but they were sold out, can you believe that? Dang! So we just got food and came home. Lisa was really surprised by my money and I told her the whole story. She was so proud of what I did, giving my entire win to grandpa. Well, that's just who I am. I'm honest, and I never take advantage of anyone, especially my grandparents. That's just who God made me and that's who I will always be.

Now, it's time for some good food and rest. Today, was an Excellent Day!! ;}


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