Day One Hundred Eighty One - Recovery Day 54

Today was Awesome! No snow :(

After getting ready, we headed up to the casino. I mean, after yesterday's luck I wanted to see if I was still hot....AND I WAS!!!! Oh man, I turned 2 dollars into $50. I got us plenty of money and that was so cool!!! I was very glad and happy. You know, that crappy visit to that Ute Mountain Casino on Saturday night, I thought it was a waste, but it taught me a lot about the machines. I used the tactics I learned out there here and I cleaned up both yesterday and today. That was so cool. I even bought Lisa some lunch there at the casino. When we left, we went to Walmart and I got us some things we needed at home. So that was great! Today was a good day.

Now I'm home just waiting for that call from Albertsons. I so hope I get rehired. I mean, I don't see why I wouldn't! I never did anything wrong or really bad to be banned from ever working there again. I just left because I was threatened by the store manager. I mean, who was I supposed to complain to afterwards? No one, so that's why I left. There was no other option. I had to do what I had to do. So hopefully, I can get my old job back and start working once again. That would be so Awesome!!

Ok, my mind is totally scrambled. Up at the Northern Edge Casino here, there is this woman who works there. She works over in the tables area. This woman is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I mean, she's one of those women that you can't look away from nor can you stop thinking about her. Omgosh, she's just Amazing! Well I like her so much..but she's seen me with Lisa and I'm sure she's thinking exactly what everyone else is thinking, which is that Lisa is probably my gf or my wife. It's so stupid when ppl just make that assumption. Seriously, if I were dating someone, anyone/everyone would know without a shadow of a doubt that she and I were together. There'd be tons more proof than us just standing or sitting together. I makes me mad. So anyway, that's the problem there. I don't want her thinking anything bad of me so I'm trying to pick my moment in talking to her. Mostly likely she's married or with someone. I like her so much. I know she's noticed me. I've caught her looking my way several times. When we make eye contact, she quickly looks down or away. Yesterday we passed by each other and she slightly smiled at me, then quickly looked down and kept walking. Oh man, that woman totally drives me crazy! I hope I get the chance to...well, anything really. I just hope that one day comes soon ;)

Well my grandma is still asking me for money! She's over there complaining how she's in a bind. Omg what the hell ever! My patience is wearing really thin. She's asking me about money. I flat out told her..Grandma, I don't have a job! She responds "I know", then I ask her, How am I supposed to get money? She responds, "I don't know". So freakin stupid. I swear, my grandma is a horrible woman! She is so money greedy. She had almost a hundred thousand dollars, maybe more in her 401k for her retirement. Well apparently, she already blew threw all that money and now she only has her TWO social security checks. One for her and the other for my grandpa who passed long ago, but she gets his as well. That and her damn 401k and she's broke! There is something really wrong with that. Now she's over here bugging me about lending her $50. Dammit, if I had fifty bucks to just hand out, I wouldn't be struggling with money and having to go to the freakin casino to win money rather than selling all my movies. Dang she just doesn't get it!!! I'm so sick of her.


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