Day One Hundred Eighty Six - Recovery Day 59
Wow, 59 days of recovery! That is/has been Amazing!! I have been great since mid September, but I decided to truly follow doctors orders and gave it until November to say that I'm done recovering from surgery. I feel Amazing!! Tomorrow, well that starts Day One of exercising again, even though it's actually Day 187. Wow, it's been so long since Fyrescape 2 had started. I did great at the beginning, but the summer was just so tough because of everything I was going thru and all the pressure on me over everything, not to mention that hernia getting worse. I will say that my second year of Fyrescape hasn't gone as well as I far, that is but honestly, I think if I look at it differently, then it really HAS! Why, well because I kept up with my exercising and workouts, up until my surgery that is. Plus, I actually got my hernia fixed and now I'm all healed up. That was what started Fyrescape in the first place, that hernia I found on that fateful morning of April 28, 2014. Since the next day, I had been busting my butt out there getting my weight down, bringing my blood pressure down and really pushing myself harder than I ever had in my life. It's so Amazing, so that's how I'm going to see it. That I came a really long way. Now, yeah I may have put on a few pounds since surgery, or at least according to the scale, but I'm going to lose that all once again and really get myself healthy and down to my goal weight of 200lbs. I know it'll take time, but I can do it. Now my hernia is fixed, I just have to keep an eye on it and go easy when starting off, which is what I'm going to do. I now have this red scar on my abdominal area, which is a reminder forever of the pain I went thru in order to fix myself and the scars of my laziness during my earlier years and how I will never let that happen to me again...EVER!!!
So today is Halloween! I did not have anything planned, but I woke up this morning thinking about my grandma and grandpa and how they said last night that they didn't have any Halloween decorations up at their place. So, I called grandpa and asked him if he'd like Lisa and I to decorate their place and he was pretty happy about that, so that's what we did. We spent the entire day down there decorating their place outside. We added a bit of 'Hallowed Eve' to their front yard, it was so cool. While we decorated, grandpa and I went into town to buy some black plastic that we could use to really make their place look Awesome! It turned out really good. Everyone that came over to his place like it. Grandma and Grandpa cooked steaks for us while we decorated. That was Awesome! When we were all done, we left for a bit and came home to get ready, then we went back over there. We ate because they bought a lot of snacks to serve to anyone who came over. That was nice. We saw my mom and dad, as well as my aunts and my brother and cousins. It was a nice night but I was sooooo tired when we went down there again. I was completely wiped out from the day.
When we left, we went up to the casino because my cousin and his gf were entering themselves into the costume contest and they wanted us to stop by and see them. We went up there and it was totally crowded omg it was crowded!!! There was thousands of ppl there and we couldn't find them, but Lisa and I had so much fun. We played some machines and I won a little bit, not too much and Lisa played too, which was fun because she never plays. We had a great time! Finally we left and came home. Now, we're just watching movies and I'm about to doze off. I'm so sleepy. Halloween was great this year. Now we're getting ready for the rest of the holidays, as the season has just now started ;)
Recovery has been Grand, but tomorrow, it's time to get back on the horse!!
Wow, 59 days of recovery! That is/has been Amazing!! I have been great since mid September, but I decided to truly follow doctors orders and gave it until November to say that I'm done recovering from surgery. I feel Amazing!! Tomorrow, well that starts Day One of exercising again, even though it's actually Day 187. Wow, it's been so long since Fyrescape 2 had started. I did great at the beginning, but the summer was just so tough because of everything I was going thru and all the pressure on me over everything, not to mention that hernia getting worse. I will say that my second year of Fyrescape hasn't gone as well as I far, that is but honestly, I think if I look at it differently, then it really HAS! Why, well because I kept up with my exercising and workouts, up until my surgery that is. Plus, I actually got my hernia fixed and now I'm all healed up. That was what started Fyrescape in the first place, that hernia I found on that fateful morning of April 28, 2014. Since the next day, I had been busting my butt out there getting my weight down, bringing my blood pressure down and really pushing myself harder than I ever had in my life. It's so Amazing, so that's how I'm going to see it. That I came a really long way. Now, yeah I may have put on a few pounds since surgery, or at least according to the scale, but I'm going to lose that all once again and really get myself healthy and down to my goal weight of 200lbs. I know it'll take time, but I can do it. Now my hernia is fixed, I just have to keep an eye on it and go easy when starting off, which is what I'm going to do. I now have this red scar on my abdominal area, which is a reminder forever of the pain I went thru in order to fix myself and the scars of my laziness during my earlier years and how I will never let that happen to me again...EVER!!!
So today is Halloween! I did not have anything planned, but I woke up this morning thinking about my grandma and grandpa and how they said last night that they didn't have any Halloween decorations up at their place. So, I called grandpa and asked him if he'd like Lisa and I to decorate their place and he was pretty happy about that, so that's what we did. We spent the entire day down there decorating their place outside. We added a bit of 'Hallowed Eve' to their front yard, it was so cool. While we decorated, grandpa and I went into town to buy some black plastic that we could use to really make their place look Awesome! It turned out really good. Everyone that came over to his place like it. Grandma and Grandpa cooked steaks for us while we decorated. That was Awesome! When we were all done, we left for a bit and came home to get ready, then we went back over there. We ate because they bought a lot of snacks to serve to anyone who came over. That was nice. We saw my mom and dad, as well as my aunts and my brother and cousins. It was a nice night but I was sooooo tired when we went down there again. I was completely wiped out from the day.
When we left, we went up to the casino because my cousin and his gf were entering themselves into the costume contest and they wanted us to stop by and see them. We went up there and it was totally crowded omg it was crowded!!! There was thousands of ppl there and we couldn't find them, but Lisa and I had so much fun. We played some machines and I won a little bit, not too much and Lisa played too, which was fun because she never plays. We had a great time! Finally we left and came home. Now, we're just watching movies and I'm about to doze off. I'm so sleepy. Halloween was great this year. Now we're getting ready for the rest of the holidays, as the season has just now started ;)
Recovery has been Grand, but tomorrow, it's time to get back on the horse!!
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