Day One Hundred Sixty Five - Recovery Day 38

Today was a fun day!
This morning we went up to town to visit the AT&T store. Can't believe I had to go see them again. But, it was so cool because I GOT ME A NEW TABLET!!!!! Woohoo!!!! Well, I consider this a gift from Lisa. Why, well because it kinda replaces that nice Gear S watch she got me for Father's Day back in June. The one I took back. Well this is about the same price. I got such a great deal on it and I was surprised they gave it to me. Very happy now ;)

We had lunch at Captain D's today. I was craving fish but Lisa picked the place. Afterwards, we headed home and Lisa got ready for work and I took her. After dropping her off, I went back to the casino. I really wish Grandpa was there with me today. I do so much better when he's there. Strange, but cool. It's boring when I go to a casino by myself, but it's just a fun way to kill some time. I had some ok luck at Sun Ray Casino, but I was only there for maybe 40 minutes or so, then I left and went here to Northern Edge and I had crap luck there. I didn't win anything and it was so freakin strange too because I was hitting some big winning symbols, but they were conveniently landing just below or above the payline. I don't know, very fishy if you ask me. Almost like someone put a block on that machine. Weird. So it took all my money. I didn't have much, but it took it.

Well, now I'm home and so far it's great to be here. I'm just messing around with this new tablet. I've never had one of these before. Now I'm linking up my accounts to it and everything. Mostly I'm going to leave it here at home until I get one of those nice cases for it, then I'll take it with me to town and such. It's so cool. Lisa has been talking about getting me one of these for years and finally, it happened ;)

Oh this situation with my "uncle" just got me even more pissed today! So I waited all day Thursday. Then Friday I figured he'd call me, but nope. Then today comes around...still Nothing! So, I texted both him and my aunt and I asked them WHEN I'm going to get my money and that I've been waiting ever since last Saturday. One flippin week ago!! My aunt texted me back and said that my uncle was "very sorry" and that he "forgot all about it". Omg really?! That pissed me off, but she said that I would have my money by tomorrow evening. Why not tomorrow morning, or even this evening, I have no idea. Well, at least I'll have $40 and that'll make up for the money I lost today lol. Oh man, anyway I'm going to relax now.


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