Day One Hundred Eighty Five - Recovery Day 58
What as Awesome relieving day it was!
This morning Lees and I went selling. It was dark cloudy and kinda sprinkling. It looked cold and it was cold! But, I needed money badly. For one, my dogs need a straw bail and two we need another bag of wood pellets to last us until next Friday, and Grandpa might want to go to the casino tonight since this is our usual night of gaming. So we headed out there with all my movies. I had to sell movies that I didn't want to sell, which was a given because of how badly we needed the money.
It was great out there and we made plenty of money. Not to mention, Lisa's aunt and uncle came by and gave us some money to get some food so we even ate while we were out there. God is so Amazing! I asked and He provided us with good fortune selling some movies and getting some food. Grandma and Grandpa even stopped by while we were out there. I talked with Grandpa and he wanted to go to the casino again, and he wanted to eat at the restaurant again. So after we made our plans, he left because they had to go do some things. Lisa and I stayed there until about 2pm then we finally packed up. I took Lisa to work but first we stopped at Sonic and got a drink, then I took her in. Afterwards, I got some gas and filled up the truck, then I came home and unloaded everything. When I was done, it was about 4:30 so I headed up to the casino. Grandpa and Grandma were already there. Soon as I walked in, grandpa called me, then we waited for grandma and when she came in, we went to the restaurant to eat. The food not as good as last time. I got a hamburger but it was burnt and the service wasn't too good and it took them 35 minutes to bring out our appetizer, which sucked because our food came out like 2 mins after that.
After we ate, we played. Grandpa did good, but then we didn't do too good. Oh, I also saw our old Pastor, the same crazy guy who almost stole our church away from us. He's now working there at the casino. Well, I'm about 97% sure that's him, but it's hard to see him up close and I certainly ain't gonna walk up to the guy. I tried telling grandma and grandpa. They know the whole story, as they were there too. But, they didn't see him. That guy was crazy, "Pastor" Bridge. He was no pastor, that's for sure. He was a selfish rotten liar. He had a US Marshals wanted poster and never told us about his drug past. Then when it came out in the open, he tried to lie it off and deny it, but then he finally fessed up about it all, but then tried to lie again and justify it all. It was awful. Then he tried stealing the church away from us so he could turn it into a shelter and make money off of it. Omg that was crazy, well now (assuming that's him) he's working at the casino. How bout that, a guy calling himself a "pastor" working up at the casino. That guy is terrible. Anyway, that was strange. No I'm not casting judgment, that is not my place. I'm just saying that this guy was bad, really bad. Liar and everything. A very greedy and selfish man who turned tricked a lot of ppl into thinking he was a good "Christian" man. He also went thru all the church money. We have no idea what he bought with it all or where that money went, but it was all gone. Once he got one of his cronies in there, they went thru all the money. For all we know, he was cooking up drugs in the church building. I'm just so glad that God worked it out to where we finally got rid of him. He was a very bad guy!
Anyway, our evening was great. I lost all my money :( But, at the last minute grandpa won $90 at a dollar machine with just one dollar and then he gave me a $20. I used that and won $70 :D Yay so now I have more money than I had this morning. I learned from all my mistakes too. Once I hit seventy bucks, I cashed out. I wasn't about to put it all back in and lose it all. Grandpa did that same thing. At the same time I won 70, he was sitting right next to me and he won $106 so he cashed out too and we left. Oh man, that was so close. We both walked out of there relieved and telling grandma about our wins and loses. It was fun! That's the best part of Friday's, spending it with my grandparents. We had a blast. Now, I'm home and ready to relax before I have to go pick up Lisa at work. I can't wait to tell her my story. I think afterwards, we'll go to Walmart because my cats really need food which is why I also needed money.
Today was a superb day ;)
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