Day One Hundred Seventy Eight - HALLOWED EVE 8

HALLOWED EVE 8 was tonight!!!
It was a spectacular event!!!!!! Everything went Great!!

This morning, Lisa and I went into town and took care of our bills. That went very well, thankfully. Then we went up to the casino and I did my "free play" and we got some lunch. After that, we headed to the store and started picking up the things we needed. That was such a runaround because everyone was calling and texting me, asking me when things were starting and when to be there. Lawrence was asking for a ride and asking me to buy him some face paint. Oh man it was just so crowded. But, we got it all done. After that we went to the church and dropped off everything we bought, then we hurry and cut out the prizes for both the Obstacle Course and the Jedi Training Challenge. We made sure things were ok, then we came home and quickly got ready. I got all my lightsabers and Lisa dressed up. She was a blue Jedi Master. I forget the characters name, but she really looked cool. She is very creative in her costumes. For the Hallowed Eve Theme Costume Contest, I bought the 1st place prize which was the dvd Jurassic World. I really wanted Lisa to win that, but sadly she didn't. I did not agree with who won that, though, but I wasn't a judge so I couldn't complain. I picked my mom, uncle, and grandpa to be judges.

Well the event itself was so great! It started off great and I even got to see my friend, Dyanna. Yes the same Dyanna I had problems with over the summer. We made up and I invited her tonight and she and her daughter came. They had a blast! I was so happy to see her, but I didn't get to talk to her much because the whole night I was so busy. I ran the whole event and was on my feet all evening. After this entire week of decorating and setting everything up, I was super exhausted, but I had to get it all done. All the games went very well. The kids all enjoyed it and so did the adults. I ran the Jedi Training Challenge, which was where I took 5 ppl and taught them 5 basic lightsaber moves then gave them a combination and whoever got it right, went on to phase 3 which was a display of moves and their best "Force Push" impersonation. That was so cool! All the kids loved it and even the adults got into it. That was so cool to see the adults do that. Sadly I had to cancel the obstacle course because, well for one it was really raining earlier, but that's not why we stopped it. Instead, we couldn't get the lights to work out back so no one could really see anything. So I had to cancel it. That was totally ok because the Pastor took way too long giving his Halloween message, which was a message on "All Saints Day" that actually started in the church and was transformed into "Halloween" over time. It's really neat history, but anyway, he took too long doing that so it really dug into our 3 hours. If we had done the obstacle course, we probably wouldn't have been able to do the "Ghost Hunt" which we did instead. That was really fun. Nobody could find the tokens though lol. A few did, but not all. We made it really spooky this year. There were a few little kids who were so scared and didn't want to go in so they ran out crying lol. There was nothing scary in there. It was just a dark room with strobe lights and a dog that jumps out at you, courtesy of my grandpa. It was fun though. Everybody had a great time. That was the last one we did. Some kids were asking me to start up the Jedi Training Challenge again, but we were out of time and everyone was ready to go home. So Pastor closed up with a prayer and we let everyone go home. It was super fun this year! Next year, I hope to make it even bigger and better than ever ;)

After the event, we all sat around cleaning up the kitchen area. My mom suggested that we go eat so she called my dad and we all went over to ihop to have some breakfast for dinner. That was so Awesome! Lisa was very happy and so was I because we were both hungry. We didn't get to eat anything, especially me because I was on my feet running back and forth all night. I didn't even get to talk with Dyanna, but she understood. Anyway, we went to ihop and had some yummy food. Oh man it's so cold outside tonight! I'm glad we didn't do the obstacle course, the kids might've gotten sick! It's freezing!!

Well now we're home and I am so tired! You don't know how busy I was tonight. Just know that I didn't sit down until after the event was over. Oh man my feet hurt so bad and my legs are aching. I'm so glad it's over and I'm very glad I did it this year. It was such a great time!!


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