Day One Hundred Seventy Two - Recovery Day 45
I'm feeling great today!
HUGE SURPRISE for me today! I was actually home by myself after Lisa went to work. I'm getting revved up for tomorrow and next week, as we'll be decorating. Grandma and Grandpa came by to drop off some things they bought for 'Hallowed Eve', which grandpa said he was going to do after the casino last night. So Lees and I waited for them all morning. It did kinda suck earlier because I made the mistake of going to the Sun Ray Casino to try and win a bit more money...but I didn't. I lost it all...which I'm so angry about. Anyway, that's nothing though. I didn't lose much, just what I had to play with. But this morning, I asked God to bless me with "Good Fortune" because I never ask Him for wins at the casino. I know going to the casino is wrong and I'm not proud of that, but I only go there because it's a means to get some money when we need it. That is it, but I did ask Him for a blessing of Good Fortune. As we all know, what we ask for is given to us in God's time and whatever He feels we need. Well, for me it was not winning or money....
When grandpa and grandma came by my place this afternoon, we talked for a bit then Grandpa said he wanted to go to town for some more stuff since my Uncle is getting baptized tomorrow. He was really sleepy though and was dozing off on my couch. So, I offered to take him and grandma to town so they can do their shopping. So we did, we left. We ended up going to Albertsons, which is the place I used to work before I left on Christmas Eve in 2013. I had Never stepped foot into that store since that day, when I walked out. I left because the store manager threatened me while I was on the floor doing my job. Long story there, but I loved that job and I really wished it hadn't ended like that. Anyway, so we went there and I went inside with them. I didn't see many ppl I recognized, only maybe 4 ppl. The rest were new to me. But one of the ppl I did see, And talked to, was my former boss Elrina. She was the manager over the bakery area. Yes I worked in the bakery, but it's not what it may seem like. The bakery was a very tough department. I was the closer. I ran the bakery entirely by myself from 2pm to closing everyday. There is a lot of work to be done. Stocking the floors, cleaning up, baking bread, writing on cakes, taking orders. Just constant busy busy busy. I never got to take a break because once I stepped away, I'd be getting called for minutes later. But that's the bakery! So we go by there and I see my former boss. She comes over and we talk for a bit. She tells me how things have been and that there's so much more to do there. I was amazed that I was talking with her, but she ended up asking me if I ever thought about reapplying and going back to work there. I was, indeed, the best worker they had along with this wonderful cake decorator named Katrina, whom sadly was not working there anymore. She apparently left not long after I did. She just stopped showing up, as I did. I miss her! But anyway she told me to try and reapply to see what happens. First I said to her that I did think about it and wanted to come back earlier this year, but I didn't think that the store manager (who threatened me) would hire me. I asked if he was still there and she said yes, but that he might have plans to be leaving. So, I told her I would try to reapply! That was be Amazing, if I actually got my job back! Oh man, that would be wonderful because I really loved that job. I need to start working anyway, which is why I got my surgery done asap. So this was indeed a blessing to me! Grandpa and Grandma were both thrilled that I was told to try and reapply. They were very happy and told me to do it. I'm kinda skeptical, I mean I really want to reapply but I don't want to be rejected lol. I know, however, that if we never take chances, we'll never truly be living our lives to the best of our ability! So, I'm definitely going to reapply. I can't do it tonight, which I wish I could and I can't do it this coming week (just in case I do get hired) because I have 'Hallowed Eve 8' to set up for and I need to get it done. So my plan is that soon as we get this event over and done with, I'm going to try and reapply and we'll see what happens. I'm excited ;)
So that was my blessing. Also, grandma and grandpa bought us some food, especially these microwavable sandwiches that we can heat up next week before going to the church to decorate. Since we don't have any more money because of my mistake this morning. But now we have food and plenty of it. God truly does watch out for us and prayer DOES work. I'm so very happy! Today was an Awesome day!! I'm looking forward to what the future holds :)
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