Day One Hundred Sixty Four - Recovery Day 37

Bills Day!!!
And surprisingly, it worked out really really REALLY well :D :D :D Oh man, I mean, Really Well!! Even with those loans we're still battling from San Diego, we still had/have plenty of money left over for the stuff we need. I have some put away for the propane we're getting next week. I called them today again just to make sure and it's a done deal. They're going to put my entire bill, including the tank rental into a monthly plan and I just go in there after they do the delivery and make my first payment. This is so cool!! I can't wait. No more Cold showers hahaha :D

We handled all our bills and I took Lisa up to the college so she could print out some papers. After, she treated us out to lunch. We finally had one of those Black Halloween Whoppers at Burger King. yeah I know, no fast food, but everyone was talking about them so we really wanted to try it. Last time we did, they were sold out in both restaurants. They were so good...but they didn't look right lol. Black... I mean, dang! You could really taste the A-1 sauce, which was good.

Well I'm very thankful to God for today. It was a very fulfilling day and I can't wait to get our gas back on. We haven't had gas in this place for over a year. Finally get to take a warm shower, that's what I'm really looking forward to, especially using our oven again. We haven't used it for a very long time and with the holidays coming up, it's the perfect time!!

Well it's FRIDAY and so I went to the casino, just like last week. I tried calling grandpa to see if he was coming...but no answer. So I went anyway. Lisa dropped me off there. I figured I'd call my brother to come pick me up when I was done but to my surprise, about an hour after I arrived, I was walking around and saw grandpa over at our quarter machines :D I was so happy to see him there! I walked around the corner and he saw me. He was really happy! We sat there and talked and laughed just like last week. This time, I didn't use any of his money. I used my last $20 and played the same machine from last week. I WON!!!! Oh man, I won $92 which is sooo Awesome!! Lisa and I went to Sams Club earlier and bought just a little bit of groceries and put a little bit of gas in the truck. Well, I won all that money back ;) I was so happy!! Grandpa did Awesome tonight! He won $400!!!! I couldn't believe that. He played a lot and had so much luck everywhere he went. I was so happy for him. I like seeing him winning. That's really good! We were there for maybe 3 hours, then we finally left just as it was getting dark outside. After, we went into town because he needed to get some things for a dinner they're going to tomorrow. So we went into town. We were laughing and talking about all kinds of things. I love spending time with grandpa. He's one of my Best friends!! We went to this little Mexican store where they sell food and meat. He bought what he needed and then got me some treats. He bought me this really yummy fully cooked pork chop. Oh my gosh, I scarfed that thing down when I got home. It was so so so so sooooo good!!!! Lees is gonna be jealous haha.

So today was Awesome! I couldn't have had a better time. When Lisa gets home, I'm planning on cruising over to Walmart and getting some things. It's gonna be a nice evening. Lookin forward to tomorrow ;)


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