Day One Hundred Sixty - Recovery Day 33

Today I'm feeling Awesome!!

Oh and I'd like to note that yesterday, Lisa took off my bandage strips from my incision. I was supposed to take them off 7 days after my last Doc visit, but I just left them on because I was paranoid lol. I had her look at it today and they were practically off so she pulled them all off. I have a pink scar along where the incision is/was. But, it looks really good. Healed up nicely. So now, there's nothing on there. I took a shower tonight and cleaned it up really good. Oh man, I hate how we have cold water though :( I need to get our propane bottle filled out back. But to do that, I need to get them to do a leak test, then pay for the propane, so that's so much damn money and with us still trying to pay off that big loan we took out for San Diego, I don't think we're going to do that anytime soon. Maybe next month, or if we're lucky, the 23rd of this month, we'll just have to wait and see.

Went to town this morning and bought some things at Walmart. I bought this movie, 'The Houses October Built'. I've been wanting to see it so when Lisa gets home, we're going to watch it. Hopefully it'll be a good movie. I wanted to rent it, but everywhere only had one copy and it was rented out already.

Lisa took herself to work today. No casino for me today. I'd been going there almost everyday for the last week, only trying to win us some money but after my big win last Friday with Grandpa, that was so cool and we got everything we needed. Plus, Lisa's mom is still giving us a $100 for the Gameboy system she bought from us last week. We should be getting that this week, as well as an additional $40 from my uncle because he asked me on Saturday if he could work on his truck here at my place. So that'll all be helpful. Things are going great! God's blessing are wonderful.

Just a personal note, yes I know gambling is wrong. That is something I struggle with all the time, but for me I mainly attribute the wrongness of it to Greed. Me, I never go to a casino because I'm greedy. I only go there to try and win money for us to use for gas, groceries, or animal food. Anything I win, goes directly to that. I never go to the casino when I have lots of money and want more money. Lately, I've been going to the casino with $2 in my pocket and I try to turn the $2 into $40 so we can gave gas money and food. It'll take me hours because I just play pennies, but sometimes I can get lucky and win several dollars and it just adds up. Takes lots of time, but it's worth it because then I can go and get us some food or gas. So I never go the a casino because I'm greedy. It's only because I need a little extra cash and because right now I don't have a job because of my recovery. It's just a simple way to try and help out and because the casino is just up the hill from where I live. It's also a fun way to spend my time, oh and there's this really HOT lady that works up there. Oh man, I so want to meet her. Maybe sometime, but given my luck with women, I'm not too confident that it'll turn out good lol.

I'm going to just relax the rest of the day. It's raining outside right now, pretty hard actually. The thunder was shaking the house earlier. I hope Lisa makes it home ok. I wish I drover her today. Had I known it'd be raining this bad today, I would have.


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