
Showing posts from October, 2015

Day One Hundred Eighty Six - Recovery Day 59

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!! TODAY IS MY FINAL DAY OF RECOVERY :D :D :D Wow, 59 days of recovery! That is/has been Amazing!! I have been great since mid September, but I decided to truly follow doctors orders and gave it until November to say that I'm done recovering from surgery. I feel Amazing!! Tomorrow, well that starts Day One of exercising again, even though it's actually Day 187. Wow, it's been so long since Fyrescape 2 had started. I did great at the beginning, but the summer was just so tough because of everything I was going thru and all the pressure on me over everything, not to mention that hernia getting worse. I will say that my second year of Fyrescape hasn't gone as well as I far, that is but honestly, I think if I look at it differently, then it really HAS! Why, well because I kept up with my exercising and workouts, up until my surgery that is. Plus, I actually got my hernia fixed and now I'm all healed up. That was what started Fyrescape in...

Day One Hundred Eighty Five - Recovery Day 58

What as Awesome relieving day it was! This morning Lees and I went selling. It was dark cloudy and kinda sprinkling. It looked cold and it was cold! But, I needed money badly. For one, my dogs need a straw bail and two we need another bag of wood pellets to last us until next Friday, and Grandpa might want to go to the casino tonight since this is our usual night of gaming. So we headed out there with all my movies. I had to sell movies that I didn't want to sell, which was a given because of how badly we needed the money. It was great out there and we made plenty of money. Not to mention, Lisa's aunt and uncle came by and gave us some money to get some food so we even ate while we were out there. God is so Amazing! I asked and He provided us with good fortune selling some movies and getting some food. Grandma and Grandpa even stopped by while we were out there. I talked with Grandpa and he wanted to go to the casino again, and he wanted to eat at the restaurant again. So a...

Day One Hundred Eighty Four - Recovery Day 57

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM!!!!!! I feel so cruddy! I completely forgot that her big day was today. I get so mixed up with her birthday because my aunt (her sister) has a birthday that's on the 30th and my mom's is today the 29th. Well I get mixed up sometimes and I end up thinking that her birthday is the 30th so I'll go the whole day OF her birthday without calling her or anything. My dad texted me today and told me (reminded me) i'm such an idiot. So right away I called my mom and wished her Happy Birthday! She was in Durango with my dad. I thought maybe they were going to do something here, but they were out there which was cool. I'm glad she is out doing something on her day. I feel so bad because I don't have any money and I wish I did so I could get her a big present. Our money has been so so so tight these last few weeks. I can't wait until we get that damn loan paid off. Sux to have to give a big chunk of money away every two weeks to pay for that da...

Day One Hundred Eighty Three - Recovery Day 56

Today was COLD...brrrrr!!!! So, I decided to get my wood pellet stove going again. I am so thankful that I got this thing last year. My mom bought it for me and my grandpa was the one who sold it. I was very happy. Granted it gave us a heck of a lot of trouble at the beginning of this year, or actually the end of last year. Now, we got it running great with new parts and everything. I feel bad that I kept having to call grandpa over to fix it because I knew absolutely nothing about it. Now, it's running amazingly!! Not much happened today. I watched IMPACTwrestling tonight while I cleaned out the pellet stove and fired it up. I have one bag of wood pellets left over from last winter, which was the one grandpa bought me and I never used it. It was special and I wanted to save it for a special time and what more special time could than my first time turning it on for this new cold season :D Perfect! So now, I've got the fire going and it's heating up my place. I feel so ba...

Day One Hundred Eighty Two - Recovery Day 55

blah blah blah Not much happened today! Just went to the casino. I can't believe how much I go there. The cool thing, though, is it's only because it's something to do. I don't go there blowing my entire paycheck. I take like 5 or 10 bucks and just play that until it's gone. I have my ways and my tricks of turning a dollar into 40 but that doesn't always work. It's just really cool to try and do that, which was once again the case today. It was just for fun though. I didn't have much luck. I'll try again some other time. Lisa had class today and she was off, which is what I love about Tuesdays because then I'm not by myself. I like when she's home because we talk and laugh and joke all the time about stupid stuff. Right now, I'm going to just relax and do the lazy thing here at home. Brrr it's getting kinda cold. I'll need to fire up my pellet stove soon. Today I got the heater out of storage to warm up the place this morning...

Day One Hundred Eighty One - Recovery Day 54

Today was Awesome! No snow :( After getting ready, we headed up to the casino. I mean, after yesterday's luck I wanted to see if I was still hot....AND I WAS!!!! Oh man, I turned 2 dollars into $50. I got us plenty of money and that was so cool!!! I was very glad and happy. You know, that crappy visit to that Ute Mountain Casino on Saturday night, I thought it was a waste, but it taught me a lot about the machines. I used the tactics I learned out there here and I cleaned up both yesterday and today. That was so cool. I even bought Lisa some lunch there at the casino. When we left, we went to Walmart and I got us some things we needed at home. So that was great! Today was a good day. Now I'm home just waiting for that call from Albertsons. I so hope I get rehired. I mean, I don't see why I wouldn't! I never did anything wrong or really bad to be banned from ever working there again. I just left because I was threatened by the store manager. I mean, who was I suppose...

Day One Hundred Eighty - Recovery Day 53

I woke up hoping that the stuff from last night was a nightmare...but sadly it wasn't. I'm still so mad about that casino visit! Ugh. We went to church this morning and...well the Pastor gave an Awesome sermon!!! I mean, it was very meaningful and made me realize to much. I left church feeling great and with a smile and a relieved heart and soul. I felt so good and realized so much. It was just what I needed. Everyone thanked me for putting on an Awesome 'Hallowed Eve 8' and they're all looking forward to next year. Right now, Pastor is already focusing on the Christmas parade and program, which he announced before service today. So, I'll have my hands full with that in the coming weeks. After church Lees and I went to the store and picked up some food. Then, we went home and she whipped it up. We had some great lunch and then I had Lisa drop me off up at the casino on her way to work. I was gonna try my luck and see if I could win back some of that money I...

Day One Hundred Seventy Nine - Recovery Day 52

Woohoo I got to sleep in today! Well, I didn't sleep too late. My niece's birthday was today, so my Uncle invited me and Lisa, along with the rest of the family, to come to her birthday party. They rented a place over in Kirtland to have the party. Usually in the morning, after Hallowed Eve, we go to the church and start cleaning. But, this birthday party was our excuse to not have to do that. Instead, we all agreed to go to the party first, which was at noon, and then go to the church and clean after, which is what we did. So I can thank my niece for this one ;) She's so cute, her name is Riley. She's only a year old today and everyone loves her. All the family, including her mom's family were there. Her grandma, her mom's mom, I think may have actually liked me because she was asking my mom about me and if I was her brother lol. That was so cool ;) The food was good! We ate and had a good time. I even won a prize there, which was a Storm trooper key chain. T...

Day One Hundred Seventy Eight - HALLOWED EVE 8

HALLOWED EVE 8 was tonight!!! It was a spectacular event!!!!!! Everything went Great!! This morning, Lisa and I went into town and took care of our bills. That went very well, thankfully. Then we went up to the casino and I did my "free play" and we got some lunch. After that, we headed to the store and started picking up the things we needed. That was such a runaround because everyone was calling and texting me, asking me when things were starting and when to be there. Lawrence was asking for a ride and asking me to buy him some face paint. Oh man it was just so crowded. But, we got it all done. After that we went to the church and dropped off everything we bought, then we hurry and cut out the prizes for both the Obstacle Course and the Jedi Training Challenge. We made sure things were ok, then we came home and quickly got ready. I got all my lightsabers and Lisa dressed up. She was a blue Jedi Master. I forget the characters name, but she really looked cool. She is ver...

Day One Hundred Seventy Seven - Recovery Day 50

Wow 50 days of recovery!! That should be pretty close to enough. Well it's Thursday and I'm proud to say that we got 'Hallowed Eve 8' pretty close to done!! The place is decorated really nice and the games are set up. The obstacle course in back is not quite done yet. There's still a few things to do back there, but for the most part, it's done. I'll have to finish it up tomorrow. We also have to lay out our numbered pictures for our prize Gauntlet that we're doing. Other than that, we should be ready to roll tomorrow evening. I think it's going to be great! Lisa and I did a wonderful job but oh man it's gonna be tough tearing everything down when it's all over lol. I am so tired...omgosh I'm tired!! I can't wait until it's done, honestly. This gets more tougher every year, but I'm glad that this year we got the majority of it done by today. Usually we'd have tons more to do and we'd end up being here all day on th...

Day One Hundred Seventy Six - Recovery Day 49 will not believe how tired I am. My feet hurt...I'm just totally beat. My legs are aching. You know all that exercise that I missed out since my surgery...ugh I'm really paying for it now. I've been doing so much work since Monday morning, when I lay down to go to sleep, I'm out within the first 30 seconds after my head hits the pillow. It's super busy there and I'm there ALL DAY everyday, from morning till about 10pm. I am soooo tired. We got most of it done. Lots of ppl showed up this evening and we got lots decorated. Oh the cool thing was, Lisa was supposed to go to work today but her boss gave her the night off since there were plenty of staff. I was so happy when she came banging on the door about 30 mins after she left for work. I let her in and she said she was off. Now she'll be off tomorrow, Friday and Saturday so 4 day weekend for her, woohoo!!!! That is so cool. Well most of the decorating is done. We still got a little bit and I...

Day One Hundred Seventy Five - Recovery Day 48

Oh my gosh...I'm so tired! You know, yesterday we moved those BIG chairs out of the room where we're putting on the 'Ghost Hunt' game and those things are heavy. Lisa held the heaviest part and I just held the top so it wasn't too bad for me, but wow I get tired quick. I haven't been exercising for the past almost two months now. My body lost all it's energy lol. I can't wait to get back to lifting weights and doing my DDP yoga. I need that pretty bad now. We did a lot today. Lisa was there with me but she had to go to school and handle some things so she was gone for a while this morning, then she came back, but had to leave again for class. She's doing great though and I'm so proud of her and the effort she's putting in for her Nursing School scholarships, as well as trying to bring up her grade in her class. She's doing wonderfully well. Ok, we still got a lot to decorate. I just wanted to put how tired I am from this work. It'...

Day One Hundred Seventy Four - Recovery Day 47

Ok I'm on my last two weeks of recovery!! I can't wait to be done with it all. This week, I'll need to be super careful. Today, we started decorating for 'Hallowed Eve 8'. So far, it's coming along great, but right now I am pretty tired. Went to the church this morning with Lisa and we started decorating. Lots to get done because I wanna be done with everything by Thursday. I'm just so glad everyone moved those heavy pews yesterday. One week until the big event that I was asked to put on, but most importantly, I do this for our Heavenly Father and for His house, that ppl make come to Him and His church. I hope it really turns out great! Lots of work, but it's more than worth the effort. I won't be writing too much until Friday because after today, I might be too tired to do anything when I finally get home lol. We shall see!

Day One Hundred Seventy Three - Recovery Day 46

Today was officially the "firing off" date for Hallowed Eve 8 this coming Friday night! We got things started. Since I'm not able to lift for another two weeks, I had everyone else move and stack those heavy pews. Yay honestly I'm happy because I don't gotta mess with those things this year. Every year, it's always me and Lisa moving them. They are really long and made of solid wood so they are super heavy. We've gotta move them all to the side of the sanctuary area and stack them 3 high. This year, I get a pass haha. Anyway, we were serving lunch after service today so we had plenty of dudes there so they all stacked the pews. Funny thing was that as many guys that were helping, they couldn't really lift those pews so I was there helping them (or trying to help them) until Lisa got after me for lifting. I forget a lot of times. I don't realize that I'm supposed to be taking it easy. That's how I made that mistake with the heavy box a coupl...

Day One Hundred Seventy Two - Recovery Day 45

I'm feeling great today! HUGE SURPRISE for me today! I was actually home by myself after Lisa went to work. I'm getting revved up for tomorrow and next week, as we'll be decorating. Grandma and Grandpa came by to drop off some things they bought for 'Hallowed Eve', which grandpa said he was going to do after the casino last night. So Lees and I waited for them all morning. It did kinda suck earlier because I made the mistake of going to the Sun Ray Casino to try and win a bit more money...but I didn't. I lost it all...which I'm so angry about. Anyway, that's nothing though. I didn't lose much, just what I had to play with. But this morning, I asked God to bless me with "Good Fortune" because I never ask Him for wins at the casino. I know going to the casino is wrong and I'm not proud of that, but I only go there because it's a means to get some money when we need it. That is it, but I did ask Him for a blessing of Good Fortune. A...

Day One Hundred Seventy One - Recovery Day 44

Today was fun! Took care of some things earlier but the real fun was this evening. On our way back from town this afternoon, I got a call from grandpa. We talked a bit, then I asked him if he was going to the casino. He asked if I was going, which I was. Then he said he'd meet me there in a while. So, I took Lisa to work then after, I headed straight over and started playing. Grandpa met me over there. I thought it was just him, but when I saw him, he said my grandma was there also. It was a fun evening. We played and played. I had some really good luck. I won over a hundred bucks at the dollar machines. Grandpa won, but not as much as he usually does. I think his luck wasn't all there today. We were there for a few hours. It was funny, we were holding our breath because grandpa gave me some money to play and they were both behind me watching. I ALMOST won $800 :( Oh man I came so close. If that last Double Diamond landed in the middle...that would've been HUGE!! Oh my ...

Day One Hundred Seventy - Recovery Day 43

I miss exercising so bad! I miss waking up early, stretching outside, then heading out on my 3 miles. I'm going to get back to that, I swear it! I fear that my body has gotten too used to not exercising now because wow I'll get winded pretty easy just doing small stuff, but hey it's totally cool because I know that it's not because I was lazy and gave up. Total recovery reason! I'm so glad I got my hernia fixed. So cool to feel a normal belly button, rather than that weird feeling inside it like before. Once I heal up, I get to go back to work...oh man that would be sweet! I miss work. Been so long and I want to go back soon! Now that Lisa got into the Nursing Program, it's inevitable that I go back by or before January. I wish I had that old job back, but I'm sure something new and Awesome will open itself up for me in the near future. Lisa and I were in town today and I took her to eat. It was nice! But, she had to go to class and we didn't have eno...

Day One Hundred Sixty Nine - Recovery Day 42

Today was great! It was cold this morning!! Oh man was it cold :( I didn't get to go walking today because I, once again, had to wait for the gas guy to get here. Lisa and I cleaned up the place a bit, then she left for school. She didn't have class, but she's working on getting her scholarships for her Nursing School. She'll be busy working on that for a while. Early in the afternoon, the gas technician finally showed up. I helped him out and we found the gas leak and I fixed it up. Then, he turned on the gas and lit both my stove and my water heater. So Awesome, NOW WE HAVE HOT WATER WOOHOOO!!!!! Oh man I'm so happy. To feel hot water coming out of our faucets, so cool ;) Didn't do much the rest of the day. Just stayed here at home. I hate not having a ride. I wanted to pay for my gas, but they don't have the paperwork in so they told me to wait until Friday, which sux because now I can't spend any of the money I have until then so I'll be sur...

Day One Hundred Sixty Eight - Recovery Day 41

Really nice day today! Kinda chilly this morning, but it was ok. I got up, then started getting things ready. Lisa helped out and we just waited. Just after 9am, the gas guys called and they came over. Oh man, that was a chore. Nothing worked right off. There was so much air in the gas lines because I hadn't had gas in there for a long time. Everything took a while to finally lite. Sux though because I have a leak somewhere. They did a leak check and somewhere, it's not good. They couldn't find it, or rather they didn't really seem to look for it. So, they told me to make another appointment and have the company send out a technician so he could find the leak and fix it. So I did that after they left and they scheduled me for tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow morning because after he's done, I'd like to pay for the gas then go and do some things. Since I was waiting for the gas guys, I didn't get to walk today. I really want to so bad. I really need new shoes ...

Day One Hundred Sixty Seven - Recovery Day 40

I am feeling really sore today! Ouch my back is totally worn out. I haven't walked like I did yesterday in over a month. I mean, I walked fast. Today, I'm feeling it. I would've walked this morning, but both Lees and I were busy getting things ready for the propane company to come. We had lots of clearing out to do. I didn't know if they would be by today or tomorrow. Well, it turns out that they ain't coming by until tomorrow morning at 9am. Sucks too because that was when I was supposed to be at the church and meet my Uncle who was going to help us to start decorating. Anyway, I texted everyone. The cool thing though is that it gives us more time to get ready for them. Lisa cleared out a lot of weeds and I straightened out the front yard and got my gate opened and my road ready. The rest of today was pretty dull. I'm feeling great! Honestly though, I feel like I'm putting on weight. I know I am, but I'm thinking it's a huge crap load, but I know ...

Day One Hundred Sixty Six - Recovery Day 39

Woke up this morning and did my second 3 miles since recovery, WOOHOO!!!! That walk felt amazing! I walked a really good fast pace too and did not stop for anything. That was Amazing!! The road was kinda muddy and parts of the road are starting to cave in because of all that rain we got earlier this month. Hopefully it all holds strong though, because I need to start getting back out there daily. I really wanna get back to losing weight and getting stronger. When we were done with our walk, my dad came over and asked us to go with him up to my sister's work because they were giving away empty boxes and we need lots of those for the Hallowed Eve 8 event which is happening next Friday night. So we went up there and picked up these two big boxes. This Tuesday we're going to start decorating. Hopefully nothing interferes with that. Also, dad told me some very disturbing news. Apparently my "uncle" and my aunt, and I don't know who else, but they all went to Albuque...

Day One Hundred Sixty Five - Recovery Day 38

Today was a fun day! This morning we went up to town to visit the AT&T store. Can't believe I had to go see them again. But, it was so cool because I GOT ME A NEW TABLET!!!!! Woohoo!!!! Well, I consider this a gift from Lisa. Why, well because it kinda replaces that nice Gear S watch she got me for Father's Day back in June. The one I took back. Well this is about the same price. I got such a great deal on it and I was surprised they gave it to me. Very happy now ;) We had lunch at Captain D's today. I was craving fish but Lisa picked the place. Afterwards, we headed home and Lisa got ready for work and I took her. After dropping her off, I went back to the casino. I really wish Grandpa was there with me today. I do so much better when he's there. Strange, but cool. It's boring when I go to a casino by myself, but it's just a fun way to kill some time. I had some ok luck at Sun Ray Casino, but I was only there for maybe 40 minutes or so, then I left and ...

Day One Hundred Sixty Four - Recovery Day 37

Bills Day!!! And surprisingly, it worked out really really REALLY well :D :D :D Oh man, I mean, Really Well!! Even with those loans we're still battling from San Diego, we still had/have plenty of money left over for the stuff we need. I have some put away for the propane we're getting next week. I called them today again just to make sure and it's a done deal. They're going to put my entire bill, including the tank rental into a monthly plan and I just go in there after they do the delivery and make my first payment. This is so cool!! I can't wait. No more Cold showers hahaha :D We handled all our bills and I took Lisa up to the college so she could print out some papers. After, she treated us out to lunch. We finally had one of those Black Halloween Whoppers at Burger King. yeah I know, no fast food, but everyone was talking about them so we really wanted to try it. Last time we did, they were sold out in both restaurants. They were so good...but they didn'...

Day One Hundred Sixty Three - Recovery Day 36

I'm feeling really good today, but I'm pissed off at my "uncle". I waited here all freakin day for that idiot to show up and give me my money!! He asked me if he could park his junk cars here at my place so he could work on them, LAST SATURDAY!!! Well after seeing him last night, he tells me he'd stop by TODAY and give me my cash. So, like an idiot, I waited here all day for him. HE DOESN'T SHOW UP!!! I'm so pissed off. I really wanted to take Lisa to town and go see a movie or something, since it's her last day off and I don't know how Bills Day is going to go tomorrow. Ugh I'm so mad! That guy is such a damn liar. I hate liars, especially when they're family. My other Uncle already stiffed me $50. He had the same damn story too. Wanted to park a damn truck here for a week and it ended up staying here over 2 months. So screw that, I'm not taking this shit again. I'm going to be on this guys ass until he gets me my money! I had bein...

Day One Hundred Sixty Two - Recovery Day 35

I'm writing this blog early! Yesterday I mentioned how I was fighting battles. Well, today I prayed to God. I talked to Him and just put everything out there in a way I don't think I ever have before. I truly asked for His help and to help me weed out all the negativity in my mind and in my life. When I was done praying, I felt so wonderfully uplifted. I'm serious, like all my worries were just gone. I feel peace inside myself and I've decided that this is the day when I'm going to make changes to being the Best person that I can be. I want to stop doing a lot of things that are dragging me down. I feel so much positivity inside that I just want to capitalize on it. Everyone, if you truly feel lost, pray to God and ask for His help and guidance. Trust me, you can't do it on your own, but if you ask for His help, you truly will conquer anything that is beating you down. So I've made changes and I'm going to stick to those changes. I know it's goin...

Day One Hundred Sixty One - Recovery Day 34

Almost back to normal ;) Or at least that's how I feel. Man, I tell you it's tough when one day you have money, and a few days later you're broke again lol. That's me, today! No money. Just a few days back I had that big casino win, well for me it was big. $215 is a lot of money, but rather that was grandpa's money and he just gave me a gift of some of it, which was an Awesome gift. But as it happens, money disappears over time, which mine did. My truck drinks way too much gas too. I mean, I can fill up my tank and just driving around town, I'll be empty in a little past a week. However, long distances, that truck does Amazing on gas. I just wish it were the same driving around here. I can't wait to get my car running, or rather keep it running. I need to replace the transmission pan and gasket underneath. That's what's keeping it from running because it's leaking transmission oil. Once that's done, I should be good, but it still needs more ...

Day One Hundred Sixty - Recovery Day 33

Today I'm feeling Awesome!! Oh and I'd like to note that yesterday, Lisa took off my bandage strips from my incision. I was supposed to take them off 7 days after my last Doc visit, but I just left them on because I was paranoid lol. I had her look at it today and they were practically off so she pulled them all off. I have a pink scar along where the incision is/was. But, it looks really good. Healed up nicely. So now, there's nothing on there. I took a shower tonight and cleaned it up really good. Oh man, I hate how we have cold water though :( I need to get our propane bottle filled out back. But to do that, I need to get them to do a leak test, then pay for the propane, so that's so much damn money and with us still trying to pay off that big loan we took out for San Diego, I don't think we're going to do that anytime soon. Maybe next month, or if we're lucky, the 23rd of this month, we'll just have to wait and see. Went to town this morning and...

Day One Hundred Fifty Nine - Recovery Day 32

I'm feeling really good today! My stomach is not bothering me and I feel stronger everyday. Today we went to church, but we got there late. I had lots of organizing to do. I set the games list for Hallowed Eve 8. Took me a while to get all that done, then try to get Lisa's printer to work. That's what took so long, so we got to church really late, but I posted the list and now everyone knows what to do. I think this'll be a really fun event this year. After church, I took Lisa to lunch. Yesterday, my mom told me that she and my dad went to Burger King and had a Black Whopper. I'm like, What?! Actual black whopper! Now, I figure I'd blow off the "no burger king no mcdonalds" rule for just today and get us a Black Halloween Whopper. So we went over there to get one...and they were sold out :'( Ugh, just our luck! They said they won't get any more until Tuesday, which sux. Well the rest of the day was pretty easy going. I want to exercise s...

Day One Hundred Fifty Eight - Recovery Day 31

I'm feeling really good today! I wanted to go for a walk this morning, but since we had money :D yay!! I decided to take us into town and do some money spending. I bought Lisa some things she needed for school and I finally bought my movie. We were out in town all morning. We drove around and did a few things. I wanted to take us to a movie, but the only showings were going to make Lisa have to go straight to work from the theater and she wasn't ready to go to work from there, so we called that off. Maybe next week sometime. Anyway, we went up to the casino after just to have lunch, since it's close to home. We had a great lunch! I had a yummy Frito Pie and Lisa had a burger. My mom called while we were there and said that she and my dad were out buying things for Hallowed Eve. They bought some Star Wars stuff, since that's the theme of the event this year. They asked me about the things they were getting and I approved and told them it was perfect. Afterwards, I had...

Day One Hundred Fifty Seven - Recovery Day 30

Today was an Awesome Day!! We went out selling again today, but we almost didn't go. While we were getting ready, the wind picked up outside. It was sunny, but the wind was blowing and it looked like it was going pretty hard. Well at the last minute, I decided to just cruise on out there and see what we could do. I'm so glad I did, honestly. We did pretty good selling. Lots of people came by and bought movies and games from me. I was very surprised. Usually, Fridays aren't that great, but today was superb! I guess it's because there's the big Navajo Nation Fair going on this weekend. This evening was so great!! I had Lisa drop me off at the casino. I called my grandpa earlier and told him that I'd be there, since he mentioned wanting to go there with me on Friday afternoon. At first, he said he was busy, but I think he did want to go so he told me that once he was done with what he was doing, he and my grandma would come over. So, I had Lisa dump me off there...

Day One Hundred Fifty Six - Recovery Day 29

Happy October 1st!!!! Wow, so it's definitely safe to say that Summer is Over for 2015 :( Awww!! I had so much fun over the summer as well. But, it's great to know that the holidays are upon us again. I love this time of year. First it's Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and finally my favorite holiday, Christmas ;) So today was pretty good! I'm feeling Awesome, but I am afraid I'm putting on weight. Whether I am or not is unknown. I just feel that way because I'm not exercising. I am, as I've said, going to start up my walking again but I've been out selling too much. Today, same thing. Today was a great day for selling! I got $45 out there today so that was more than enough for my dog food, cat food and I bought some stuff for Lisa that she needed. We also sold a Gameboy system for $100 but we won't be getting that money until next Thursday, so that'll be good also!! All in all, today we did Great in selling. Of course, now that I've bought ...