Day One Hundred Eighty Six - Recovery Day 59
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!! TODAY IS MY FINAL DAY OF RECOVERY :D :D :D Wow, 59 days of recovery! That is/has been Amazing!! I have been great since mid September, but I decided to truly follow doctors orders and gave it until November to say that I'm done recovering from surgery. I feel Amazing!! Tomorrow, well that starts Day One of exercising again, even though it's actually Day 187. Wow, it's been so long since Fyrescape 2 had started. I did great at the beginning, but the summer was just so tough because of everything I was going thru and all the pressure on me over everything, not to mention that hernia getting worse. I will say that my second year of Fyrescape hasn't gone as well as I far, that is but honestly, I think if I look at it differently, then it really HAS! Why, well because I kept up with my exercising and workouts, up until my surgery that is. Plus, I actually got my hernia fixed and now I'm all healed up. That was what started Fyrescape in...