Day Seven - RBD

There are some days when things are just way too crazy for me to really get in any kind of exercise. I always stress out on those days because to skip a workout(s) and it's not a Rest Day, makes me feel like I fell 20 steps back. I call these days RBD (Really Busy Day). It's not a Rest Day, I'll usually get atleast my 3 miles in, but nothing more because the rest of my day is crazy.

Did 3 miles this morning!

The rest of my day, we did so much. We were out in town all day. We watched a movie today, 'Cinderella' again. That movie is so good. Very Awesome movie. I think I could watch that movie over and over. That girl who plays Cinderella does that part so well. It's got all the fun from the old cartoon, but none of that crap singing, which I always hated about Disney movies. It also has the fun from that movie 'Ever After' with Drew Barrymore, but none of the harsh negativity that that movie came with. It's just really good.

We also visited the casino tonight, which was a mistake. No I didn't lose money, just $20. I just hoped I would win something, but the same thing happened, not one winning play on any machine that I tried. I have such bad luck there. I'm so tired of that place, and here I hear of ppl winning there all the tiem. Me, never, though.

Such a bad day :( After we left the damn casino, I wanted to go home, but for some strange reason, I headed into town. I asked Lisa what she wanted to do, but she didn't know. There just happened to be a long line of cars just to get onto the highway that leads into town. That almost never happens at that particular time. Well, there just happened to be a state trooper sitting beside the road and when I passed him and finally got onto hwy 371 to head into town, he comes chasing me down and pulls me over. "Sir I noticed your registration tag expired last month, I'm gonna have to cite you!" UGH...omg, really?! My registration tag expired 5 days ago and I'm getting cited for that! Son of a beast, there are ppl I see zooming down that highway all the time. Drunks swerving all over the road. Unsafe passing and reckless driving....and here I get pulled over for an expired registration tag. Omg that is so stupid. So now I have to go to court next Friday to show that I got my registration renewed. I mean, I was wearing my seatbelt, I wasn't speeding, I have insurance on my truck....but that tiny little registration sticker he just had to see that. He was a young stupid cop, totally by the book. Must be his 3rd or 4th day on the job. He must've been super bored and just needing something to do so he picks on me. I am so pissed off about that! mad :( :( :(

There goes my day..


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