Day One Hundred Thirty Nine - Recovery Day 12
I'm feeling great today! My stomach is doing good. Lisa cleaned my incision today really good. She didn't clean it yesterday because I was busy making the banner all morning, then we left for church. After church we went to mom and dad's place, then I took her to work. So this morning she finally cleaned it up. It's looking really good. So clean! I can't wait to get these staples pulled out tomorrow. My appointment is at 2pm tomorrow afternoon. I hope that I no longer feel any pain after tomorrow, but we'll see what happens.
I've been doing so much the last three days. Been pushing myself way too hard. Almost felt like I was back to normal but that is NOT GOOD!!! I'm supposed to be recovering. I need 6 weeks and I really need not forget that. It's only been 2 weeks. Still have 4 more to go to be able to start lifting heavy things again, but an additional two weeks after that to really be ok. So I slowed myself down. Today, I decided to not do anything. No driving, or walking around. Just total rest and that's what I did.
Yesterday I watered all the trees outside because Lisa didn't get to do it. Today, she did it herself. Me, I just stayed inside and rested up. After breakfast, I played a bit of Super Mario Maker, then Lees and I went into town. I needed to get some gas in the truck and put some money in the bank. This time, Lisa drove. I was just the passenger ;) No driving for me for a while. Only if I need to. We'll see how that appointment goes tomorrow and go from there.
Lisa took herself to work today. I did go on a walk this evening. I waited until it cooled down. I walked over to my parents place. My dad went hunting in Chama today. Oh man I remember last year, our Chama Elk Hunting trip. That was so fun! I was scared for my dad because he just had surgery that previous April. How ironic is it that one year later, now he's going to Chama and I'll be at home recovering from surgery lol. That is so crazy! I wish I could've gone with him. I love it out there, but there's no way I could handle those slopes. Next year, though, I'm definitely going hunting out there, even if I go by myself. I usually go with my dad, but I want to go out there, him I don't know because he may want to go somewhere else.
Anyway, I walked to my parents place because yesterday my dad said I could use his truck to drive out to the hospital tomorrow for my appointment. I was going to use my grandma's ride, but she's gotta go to the church tomorrow to wait for the plumbing company as they're going to fix something and she needs to be there to let them in. So that's the plan tomorrow. I got the truck and came home. Me and my brother talked outside for a while. After I got home, it was dark. Now, it's raining. Earlier it was raining pretty hard. I mean, strong wind and rain. I'm so glad I got my animals fed and brought in my kittens and Jayde. They were safely inside and dry when that rain kicked up. My dogs and other cats outside were also fed so everything was good. Just so glad I got that done early.
Right now I'm tired so I'm going to watch a movie and wait for Lisa to come home. Dang I'm hungry too. Oh man, I hope the appointment goes good tomorrow. I have so many questions for the doc and I just hope everything he tells me is good. We shall see. Goodnight!
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