Day One Hundred Fifty Five - Recovery Day 28
Feeling great today!
I feel very back to normal. BUT, I guess I'm not yet. I want to exercise so bad, get back to lifting weights and start doing everything I was doing before surgery...but nope, can't do that and it sux!
Today was a great day! We went and got groceries this morning, which was Awesome. Still so thankful to my mom for helping us out with that yesterday. The true credit, however, goes to God. He watches over us everyday and I am so so thankful to Him for always taking care of us. I had been out there selling for the last couple days so I can get us some money for groceries, and I've been going to that dang casino the last several days as well to try and get some money for groceries. Ugh, it's been a struggle. So today it was great to get out and get some food. Lisa is really going thru some crap, though. She's completely struggling herself with school. It's a big crazy long story, but she's worried that she's not going to pass this class she's in, which is ridiculous because I know she will and can pass it, but she's not trying hard enough. She thinks she is, but she's not. I've seen her do way worse, she just needs to get her head out of the clouds and start focusing on things that are important instead of things that she doesn't need to be worrying about, like me. I'm doing great and it feels like there's nothing wrong with me. I'm getting around normal and everything's all good. Anyway, I really hope she gets thru all of that. Me, I'm just trying to talk to her and tell her anything I can to try and help.
I want to start walking daily again. We've been so busy lately that I haven't been doing that at all. My dogs are getting so bored from the looks of it. I want to take them walking. Cody just sits here at home and I feel so bad for him. Cooper is just getting chubby lol. Oh man I'm really afraid I'm putting on weight as well. I'm not going all crazy eating or anything, but just the mere fact that I'm not exercising as much or at all, really makes me think that the weight is just going to start piling on.
Went to church tonight and talked about 'Hallowed Eve 8'. That's going to be great! Everyone who actually listened seem excited and are going to have fun. It'll be an Awesome event this year. Then we'll have the other Holiday events, but Hallowed Eve is the start. So, I'll be working on that and I'm going to really start working on getting back to exercising. I may not be able to lift anything more than 10 pounds, but I can walk and that's what I did at the start of Fyrescape. Just walking! So I'm sure I can do that. I need to sell again tomorrow because my dogs and cats need food. Once I get that money, then I'm going to do my daily walks again and try to reach 3 miles per day, maybe more as I get more used to it again. Hopefully I'll be able to beef up those 6 mile walks again since I can't really do much else. We shall see ;)
I feel very back to normal. BUT, I guess I'm not yet. I want to exercise so bad, get back to lifting weights and start doing everything I was doing before surgery...but nope, can't do that and it sux!
Today was a great day! We went and got groceries this morning, which was Awesome. Still so thankful to my mom for helping us out with that yesterday. The true credit, however, goes to God. He watches over us everyday and I am so so thankful to Him for always taking care of us. I had been out there selling for the last couple days so I can get us some money for groceries, and I've been going to that dang casino the last several days as well to try and get some money for groceries. Ugh, it's been a struggle. So today it was great to get out and get some food. Lisa is really going thru some crap, though. She's completely struggling herself with school. It's a big crazy long story, but she's worried that she's not going to pass this class she's in, which is ridiculous because I know she will and can pass it, but she's not trying hard enough. She thinks she is, but she's not. I've seen her do way worse, she just needs to get her head out of the clouds and start focusing on things that are important instead of things that she doesn't need to be worrying about, like me. I'm doing great and it feels like there's nothing wrong with me. I'm getting around normal and everything's all good. Anyway, I really hope she gets thru all of that. Me, I'm just trying to talk to her and tell her anything I can to try and help.
I want to start walking daily again. We've been so busy lately that I haven't been doing that at all. My dogs are getting so bored from the looks of it. I want to take them walking. Cody just sits here at home and I feel so bad for him. Cooper is just getting chubby lol. Oh man I'm really afraid I'm putting on weight as well. I'm not going all crazy eating or anything, but just the mere fact that I'm not exercising as much or at all, really makes me think that the weight is just going to start piling on.
Went to church tonight and talked about 'Hallowed Eve 8'. That's going to be great! Everyone who actually listened seem excited and are going to have fun. It'll be an Awesome event this year. Then we'll have the other Holiday events, but Hallowed Eve is the start. So, I'll be working on that and I'm going to really start working on getting back to exercising. I may not be able to lift anything more than 10 pounds, but I can walk and that's what I did at the start of Fyrescape. Just walking! So I'm sure I can do that. I need to sell again tomorrow because my dogs and cats need food. Once I get that money, then I'm going to do my daily walks again and try to reach 3 miles per day, maybe more as I get more used to it again. Hopefully I'll be able to beef up those 6 mile walks again since I can't really do much else. We shall see ;)
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