Day Seventy Eight
Did 3 miles this morning!
Did my outside weights workout today. I did 4 sets of dead lifts, 2 sets of standing presses, 2 sets of 100lb curls and 3 sets of bench presses. I also did some jump rope. Oh man, it was so hard trying to jump rope because my pants were wet from Lisa spraying me while I was watering the trees. I can't tell you how incredibly frustrating it is trying to jump rope with wet pants on..ugh! So, I couldn't do very much, which sucked.
Finished my gallon of water today! I'm trying to stick with that, but I find that I finish it on some days, but most days I'm not. Today was a day where I actually finished it ;)
No evening workout today...again. This time because Lisa and I went down to my grandpa's to watch IMPACTwrestling! Omg...tonight's show SUCKED!!! So there's this crapball wrestler named Bully Ray, formerly Bubba Ray, or Bubba Ray Dudley (wwe). Ok this guy, he's shit! Honestly, he's one of the most boringest guys in pro-wrestling. Back when I used to watch the wwe during the Monday Night Wars, and this was only because my grandpa loved it, but back then I thought that the Dudley Boys were one of the most boring tag teams ever. I never saw anything in Bubba Ray. Well, he comes to TNA eventually and he's still just a tag team wrestler. I have NO IDEA what possessed Dixie Carter to give him a singles push, but she did. When Hulk Hogan came into TNA they did this stupid boring watered down NWO storyline in TNA and they called in 'The Aces and Eights'. The were just a group of biker dudes who came in trying to take over the company. It was stupid! They did EXACTLY what WCW did with the NWO when they first came out back in 1996. Exactly!! Well, they fed us that BS storyline for a year, slowly revealing every wrestler who had his face hidden. Guess what, none of those guys were anyone big! NOT ONE!! They were all a bunch of nobodys. Guys no one cared about! And to make it worse, they made the leader of the group, Bully Ray, which he named himself. I thought that was shit! They, they made him the TNA World Champion, another move that I thought was shit. I have no idea what the hell they see in that guy, because me, I don't see ANYTHING in him at all. He's a boring character with absolutely no drawing ability. He's always been a mid-card wrestler to me. He was the guy you brought in to keep the crown somewhat entertained before the big stars came out for the main event. That's what I always saw Bully Ray as. Anyway, the S.O.B left TNA and went running back to the wwe. I guess he thought he was so huge a star that they would make him their world champion. Of course, they wanted jack shit to do with him, so what does he do, he comes crawling back to TNA, acting like he's still a big star. Once again, I have no freakin idea what the hell they see in that prick, but now they made him their main event! He's now the New Authority Figure in TNA, the Boss in other words. Omg that made me sick!! I love TNA but when they do stupid bonehead moves like that, it really makes me lose faith in them. I was so disappointed by their show tonight. It's just going to be shit because Bully Ray is a freakin nobody! He always was, and always will be. He's a waste of everyone's time.
So that was my night, watching IMPACTwrestling. I was mad, upset and angry. But it was nice to spend time with my grandparents. That is always good. Now I'm going to spend the rest of my night in anger and trying to let all this BS go.
Did my outside weights workout today. I did 4 sets of dead lifts, 2 sets of standing presses, 2 sets of 100lb curls and 3 sets of bench presses. I also did some jump rope. Oh man, it was so hard trying to jump rope because my pants were wet from Lisa spraying me while I was watering the trees. I can't tell you how incredibly frustrating it is trying to jump rope with wet pants on..ugh! So, I couldn't do very much, which sucked.
Finished my gallon of water today! I'm trying to stick with that, but I find that I finish it on some days, but most days I'm not. Today was a day where I actually finished it ;)
No evening workout today...again. This time because Lisa and I went down to my grandpa's to watch IMPACTwrestling! Omg...tonight's show SUCKED!!! So there's this crapball wrestler named Bully Ray, formerly Bubba Ray, or Bubba Ray Dudley (wwe). Ok this guy, he's shit! Honestly, he's one of the most boringest guys in pro-wrestling. Back when I used to watch the wwe during the Monday Night Wars, and this was only because my grandpa loved it, but back then I thought that the Dudley Boys were one of the most boring tag teams ever. I never saw anything in Bubba Ray. Well, he comes to TNA eventually and he's still just a tag team wrestler. I have NO IDEA what possessed Dixie Carter to give him a singles push, but she did. When Hulk Hogan came into TNA they did this stupid boring watered down NWO storyline in TNA and they called in 'The Aces and Eights'. The were just a group of biker dudes who came in trying to take over the company. It was stupid! They did EXACTLY what WCW did with the NWO when they first came out back in 1996. Exactly!! Well, they fed us that BS storyline for a year, slowly revealing every wrestler who had his face hidden. Guess what, none of those guys were anyone big! NOT ONE!! They were all a bunch of nobodys. Guys no one cared about! And to make it worse, they made the leader of the group, Bully Ray, which he named himself. I thought that was shit! They, they made him the TNA World Champion, another move that I thought was shit. I have no idea what the hell they see in that guy, because me, I don't see ANYTHING in him at all. He's a boring character with absolutely no drawing ability. He's always been a mid-card wrestler to me. He was the guy you brought in to keep the crown somewhat entertained before the big stars came out for the main event. That's what I always saw Bully Ray as. Anyway, the S.O.B left TNA and went running back to the wwe. I guess he thought he was so huge a star that they would make him their world champion. Of course, they wanted jack shit to do with him, so what does he do, he comes crawling back to TNA, acting like he's still a big star. Once again, I have no freakin idea what the hell they see in that prick, but now they made him their main event! He's now the New Authority Figure in TNA, the Boss in other words. Omg that made me sick!! I love TNA but when they do stupid bonehead moves like that, it really makes me lose faith in them. I was so disappointed by their show tonight. It's just going to be shit because Bully Ray is a freakin nobody! He always was, and always will be. He's a waste of everyone's time.
So that was my night, watching IMPACTwrestling. I was mad, upset and angry. But it was nice to spend time with my grandparents. That is always good. Now I'm going to spend the rest of my night in anger and trying to let all this BS go.
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