Day One Hundred Twenty One - REST DAY

Yup, I took a rest day today! I am so super sore!! I mean, SORE!!! My back is so bad I can hardly lift myself up off the bed. My arms are sore, but my feet are really bad. There was no way I could do 3 miles this morning. Yesterday, all day I was cutting and lifting and walking. Just so much and now my body is feeling it. So, today I've just been taking it easy. Trying to get caught up on everything!

I really miss San Diego! That trip was so much fun, I can't begin to describe. I'm just so glad I got to take Lisa to the ocean and see her swim in it and enjoy it for the very first time. That was truly my goal and the best part of my trip. I've promised to give that to her for many years and now, that promise has been fulfilled. I'm so happy about that!

Well, I'm going to try and walk tomorrow. I want to get in some exercise before my surgery. I'm so worried about putting on more weight afterwards because I won't really be able to do anything. I'll have to really watch what I eat and if the doc clears me for at least walking, I'm going to be doing that as much as I can, but probably not 3 miles. Maybe one mile, or 1/2 a mile. Just enough to keep me mobile and active, which is another thing the doc wants me do to.

Lisa had class again today. Right now, I'm going to just hang out and relax here at home. I wish we could go to town and watch a movie, or do something, but we're going to be so tight on money for the next month or so. We have to handle that loan we got out for the trip, first thing. That's gonna cause us some problems with money and bills, which of course we were prepared for. Tomorrow is gonna be a big day because, it's Bills Day :'(


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