Day One Hundred Twenty Four - RBD

Today wasn't busy, as in working busy!

This morning Lees and I headed into town and got some groceries with what little money we have. We're are struggling so bad with that. Sux too because my surgery is coming up in just 3 days and we have no food. But, I was able to fit in a few things and some gas for the truck.

Now this entire evening I spent at the damn casino. Why, well because they were giving away prizes all evening long. I had to be there at 5:30pm. At 6, 7, 8, and 9 they were doing money prizes. I definitely threw my hat into the bin, hoping I would win so we could have money. At 9pm was when they were giving away the grand prize which was your choice between a Toyota truck or car. Oh man, I wanted that. Not only that, but 4 ppl with $500 and the 5th person wins the car. So you're a winner no matter what.

Well...I didn't win. Not once! I wasted my time. Ugh I'm so angry. That place was so crowded and I left hungry and with a headache. I took Lisa to work, so I just stayed there all the way until almost 11pm then just went over and picked her up. Now, I'm tired, my brain is foggy from all the gross smoke and sweaty air. Ugh, I really need to just stay away from that place. That casino is never going to give me anything.

Anyway, that was my day. Tomorrow, I'm going to just hang out here. I have to start prepping for surgery tomorrow evening. Coming up on that day! Plus, my stomach really hurts. I think I did something to it while laying that sod the other day. Oh man, it is not feeling good.


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