Day One Hundred Nine - San Diego Trip

But no need for alarm. WE GOT THE CAR WOOOHOOO!!!!!
Oh my gosh it's beautiful. We got a Hyundai Elantra. Definitely a newer model car. We got so lucky with this. We were going to have to go out there in a tiny Fiat car :( Oh man, that car was way WAY too small. So we chose the mini van, which was also available. Just before we signed the papers, this beautiful Elantra came rolling in. Someone returned it, so she gave us the option of that. She said it was Awesome on gas and right away, I said YES! So we have that car now. The girl at Enterprise was, I believe, new. She didn't do anything they said they were going to do when I first called and made the reservation back in June. All the stuff they said they required, that girl did not ask for any of it. So that was weird. Anyway, it actually ended up costing us more because we needed to put on windshield insurance. That totally sux, so that pulls an extra hundred dollars out of my wallet. Ugh that makes me mad, but I'm glad we got it. Lisa drove it home! We got there at 9:20am but the girl was kinda slow so we ended up not leaving that place until way after 10. Then I had to stop at the bank and put the money in my account, then we had to go home and finish packing. First I stopped over at my mom's after we got home. She wanted to see the car. Oh man, it was so sweet, my mom gave me an extra $300 for spending money, just as a surprise gift. She handed it to me in secret and told us to have a great time out there. My mom has her Amazing moments, that's for sure! I was very thankful. Now we have the car, the money, and we're just about packed up. The house is going to be taken care of, so are my animals. It's all real now! All we gotta do is get out there and check into the hotel tomorrow after 3pm. I'm beyond excited!

Well, I should be swimming in the ocean by this time tomorrow :D Lisa is really excited! It's going to be hard being away from all the animals, especially Cody. I wish we could take him with us, but he might just end up being more of a baby than he was out at Capote Lake back in June. Oh man he was awful. Anyway, we'll be heading out soon. We're packing up the car now!




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