Day Thirty Seven

Up early this morning and did 3 miles! Nice walk. The dogs were really happy to finally get out there. I feel so bad when we can't or don't walk because my dogs really look forward to it every morning. That's their time to really get out and run around freely.

I did not get any morning workouts in because since I won that money last night, I wanted to take Lisa to a movie before she had to go to work. So, after watering the trees, we got ready and then went up to watch, Pitch Perfect 2. That was really good. I enjoyed it and oh man, Anna Kendrick is so pretty, I could just stare at the woman for hours and never want to blink ;) I really thought the end song they picked to sing..was shit! I mean, it was a really crappy song! They should've picked a song by a rock group, something powerful and really get out there and bring it!! But...they didn't. sucked!! I thought they should've sang that song by Van Halen called, DREAMS. Oh man, that would've been Awesome!!

Finally caught up on all my blogs! Ugh, that was hard. That's what I was doing all evening. I wanted to do a DDP yoga workout tonight, but I was too busy with this. Definitely tomorrow though. Tomorrow morning I'm going to get the car registered, or I'm going to try. I sure don't wanna end up sitting in the MVD all morning again like we did last time. If I do go there, I'm going to get there by 8am so I can get it over with right away, meaning no walk tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll have to hold off until Monday, which I don't think I'm gonna wanna do anyway. We'll see ;}

My A/C is giving me problems. I need to fix that thing. The belt up there is really bad and about to break. Hopefully that's the problem, or one of the pulleys are out. I'll need to look at that tomorrow, and to make things worse, my water connection is leaking so I'll need to get another one of those. I also need a phone battery because the one in my phone is crap! Dang, so many problems lol. I'll get it though. One way or the other ;} Goodnight!


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