Day Sixty Two
Did my 3 miles this morning!
Came back and did my outside weights workout. I did not do many sets today. Only 2 sets of dead lifts and one set of standing presses and 100lb curls. I did do two sets of bench presses though, but that was it. apparently gay marriage is legal now....
Well I'm going to voice my opinion on that. I DO NOT SUPPORT IT!!!! I never will. I follow God's word and His word says that it is wrong! I really feel that the supreme court messed up by doing this. Not because it's bad, but because it's going to cause lots of turmoil between the ppl of America. You can't make someone support something and you can't make someone go against their religion. You just can't. By passing this law, it's going to cause so much chaos within the country. I'm not for that. Let me make myself very clear. NO I do not support gay marriage. I never will! HOWEVER, I DO NOT HATE GAY PPL. I don't!! I will never hate anyone, no matter what they choose to do. Everyone has the right to choose the path they want to walk. I choose to follow God and no man on this planet is ever going to change my mind about that. God's word also says we need to love one another so that is what I'm going to do. My sister is dancing around in that whole gay thing, but I don't hate her. I love my sister! I don't support her life or the way she's living it, but I love my sister. It is not my place to judge. That is God's right and Only God's right. Only God has that right and no man out there, no matter who he is can do that. So ppl can choose to live how they want. I can't change their mind, all I can say is my American right, which is to say whatever I want and I say that I do not and will never support gay marriage. Ever!! I just hope that this decision doesn't bring an end to our great country. We need to have laws that are Right! We, as a country, need to follow God. Trust me ppl, God is very Real! Whether you believe or not, He's real and this kind of decision will be an insult to Him, which is what I believe. It's not right! I have already pissed a lot of ppl off by voicing my opinion, just as they voice theirs, but apparently according to their attitude, you can only voice your opinion if you're in support of gay marriage, in which I'm not, so already I'm losing friends and ppl are verbally attacking me and those of us who don't support it, but I don't care. I'm forever going to follow God. Ppl are scared and are trying to convince themselves that God does not exist, but they could never be more wrong! God exists everywhere! Ppl don't realize that if God were to leave this planet and leave us here, you will know when that happens because there will be no Hope, Love, Happiness, Joy, or Positivity. There is a time that the Bible speaks of that will happen. It's when God takes His church to Heaven and leaves this planet here. Those who are Left Behind are going to know what it's like to live in a world without God. I don't know when that time will happen, Nobody knows and I'm not going to sit here and tell ppl that it's soon or whatever, because I don't know. It could be now, tomorrow, or a hundred years from now. We will never know. Even Jesus doesn't know when that time is, only God. All we can do is live our lives the best way possible and keep Him in our everyday lives and especially to follow His word. If we do that, then hopefully we shall have the Honor of entering Heavens Gates one day and spending eternity on that second Earth that God has prepared for us. That's all I can say! I'm going to live my life following my faith and living the way God wants me to live. I'm not perfect and I never will be, but I can always try to do the best I can and every time I fall, I just need to get back up and keep on going.
Came back and did my outside weights workout. I did not do many sets today. Only 2 sets of dead lifts and one set of standing presses and 100lb curls. I did do two sets of bench presses though, but that was it. apparently gay marriage is legal now....
Well I'm going to voice my opinion on that. I DO NOT SUPPORT IT!!!! I never will. I follow God's word and His word says that it is wrong! I really feel that the supreme court messed up by doing this. Not because it's bad, but because it's going to cause lots of turmoil between the ppl of America. You can't make someone support something and you can't make someone go against their religion. You just can't. By passing this law, it's going to cause so much chaos within the country. I'm not for that. Let me make myself very clear. NO I do not support gay marriage. I never will! HOWEVER, I DO NOT HATE GAY PPL. I don't!! I will never hate anyone, no matter what they choose to do. Everyone has the right to choose the path they want to walk. I choose to follow God and no man on this planet is ever going to change my mind about that. God's word also says we need to love one another so that is what I'm going to do. My sister is dancing around in that whole gay thing, but I don't hate her. I love my sister! I don't support her life or the way she's living it, but I love my sister. It is not my place to judge. That is God's right and Only God's right. Only God has that right and no man out there, no matter who he is can do that. So ppl can choose to live how they want. I can't change their mind, all I can say is my American right, which is to say whatever I want and I say that I do not and will never support gay marriage. Ever!! I just hope that this decision doesn't bring an end to our great country. We need to have laws that are Right! We, as a country, need to follow God. Trust me ppl, God is very Real! Whether you believe or not, He's real and this kind of decision will be an insult to Him, which is what I believe. It's not right! I have already pissed a lot of ppl off by voicing my opinion, just as they voice theirs, but apparently according to their attitude, you can only voice your opinion if you're in support of gay marriage, in which I'm not, so already I'm losing friends and ppl are verbally attacking me and those of us who don't support it, but I don't care. I'm forever going to follow God. Ppl are scared and are trying to convince themselves that God does not exist, but they could never be more wrong! God exists everywhere! Ppl don't realize that if God were to leave this planet and leave us here, you will know when that happens because there will be no Hope, Love, Happiness, Joy, or Positivity. There is a time that the Bible speaks of that will happen. It's when God takes His church to Heaven and leaves this planet here. Those who are Left Behind are going to know what it's like to live in a world without God. I don't know when that time will happen, Nobody knows and I'm not going to sit here and tell ppl that it's soon or whatever, because I don't know. It could be now, tomorrow, or a hundred years from now. We will never know. Even Jesus doesn't know when that time is, only God. All we can do is live our lives the best way possible and keep Him in our everyday lives and especially to follow His word. If we do that, then hopefully we shall have the Honor of entering Heavens Gates one day and spending eternity on that second Earth that God has prepared for us. That's all I can say! I'm going to live my life following my faith and living the way God wants me to live. I'm not perfect and I never will be, but I can always try to do the best I can and every time I fall, I just need to get back up and keep on going.
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