Day Forty Three
A VERY AWESOME DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Started off the day with 3 miles!
Came home and did my outside weights workout. 2 days in a row now :D
I did 4 sets of dead lifts. 2 sets of standing presses. 2 sets of 100lb curls. 3 sets of bench presses and I did a few DDP yoga moves. It was really nice out! It was cloudy and getting ready to rain. I love days like this.
Afterwards, we left to go up town and get our Jurassic World tickets. 3rd times a charm, finally got them. I swear, that crazy theater gave me the runaround for the last few times. Anyway, so we got the tickets out of the way. Before that, we did something I did not want to do, but we had no choice because we were low on cash. We renewed that loan that we paid off a month ago. We didn't renew it for much, though, only $150. Anyway, with that money we got the tickets. After that, we went out to SunRay Casino. Lisa and I haven't been to the casino in over 5 years. Since we didn't win anything yesterday at Northern Edge, Lisa wanted to try this one out.
So we get there and it looks very different from the last time we were here. We walked around and scoped out all the machines and the things they had there. It was really nice in there! They even have this big fancy sports bar and grill. That definitely was not there the last time we came here. Anyway, so I found these machines there that actually pay quarters. It's a quarter machine, but you put actual coins in it rather than putting cash in there and it printing out those stupid tickets. This one was old school. I was fascinated by it :D So I tried it out. It was so much fun and guess what?! I WON!!! I HIT 3 JACKPOTS IN ONE AFTERNOON!!!! It was so fun! We were so happy and excited! I couldn't believe it. I won more at that casino in one afternoon than I had the whole freakin time I've been going to Northern Edge. I was shocked!!! So we walked out of there with almost $400 and what did I do right off, we went right back to the loan place and paid it off right then and there! I wanted to get rid of that thing so we paid it back the same day we took it out hahaha. That was Awesome!! Now with the rest of the money, I'm planning on paying out utility bill and getting it to a zero balance, then putting Lisa's name on the bill so we can get the rental car in August. Also, paying that utility bill will be a big relief on us now because we won't have to pay it next weekend during our camping trip. Saves us a whole $90. We'll also have money for Jurassic World on Friday, so everything really worked out great! I am soooo happy!!!
We went home after paying off the loan, then after a while we got ready and went to grandpa's to watch IMPACTwrestling. It was a great show tonight. When we left, Lisa and I headed over to Northern Edge to see if we still had that winning streak of luck from earlier, but nothing. Typical, I never win anything up there. I didn't play much, just a little bit. when I didn't win anything with it, we just left and got some dinner, then headed home.
My arms are really sore today from the weights. When we were at SunRay casino earlier, my arms were aching from the weights. I usually take a day break in between, but this time I did two in a row so my arms are really worn out. Got a great workout though ;)
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