From Unicorn to Mystic Dragon - Fyrescape II
I'd like to Welcome myself and my blog views to: Fyrescape II
A brand new year starts today! I've very excited because I have indeed come a long way. When I first started Fyrescape, I was green in all ways of exercise. I knew practically nothing! There were so many things that went on in my life as well that I let disrupt everything. But now, that's all changed. I went thru my highs and lows last year. Now, it's a Brand New Year! I feel confident going into this new year with a changed heart and mind, along with total Focus! That was one thing I had really lacked this month (the last month of Fyrescape.) I had gone thru some friend problems. That's the thing about me, I always seem to bring out the worst in people and I don't know why. I met a friend from Facebook whom I'd known for over seven years. Met her at the beginning of the month. Well she showed her true colors by pretty much ignoring me after we met. She didn't bother to call, text, FB msg me or anything. She didn't even say goodbye when she left and that really did a number on my focus. I kept wondering what I did, or what I said. Anyway, long story short, she really disrupted my life and the things I had been solidly focused on such as exercise and living. The other woman was also from Facebook. She and I started to go out to movies and I really liked her. Each time I saw her, I liked her. Well she didn't open up to me either. Oh I'm sure she loved hearing what I had to say about her though. Surely boosted her ego! She took that and ran with it, started flirting with guys on her page. Disregarded telling anyone about me on her page and wouldn't tell anyone WHO she was going to the movies with and WHO took her to a movie, or WHO she had lunch/dinner with. Nothing! I did that. I wasn't ashamed. I let everyone know who I was hanging out with. Not her, though. She just kept me a secret from everyone and that really made me feel like I was just being used and very unappreciated. She and I went to a movie, actually the last movie we went to see together and when the movie was over, she ran out on me. Then, we had one more movie date about 2 Friday's ago. She just ignored me that whole day. That also screwed with my focus the entire month. Well, that all stopped! Seriously, I cut both of those women from my life. I refuse to be some chicks side toy to play with when she's bored. I'm not going to lower myself to that crap! So no matter how much I think about whether what I did was right, I still stick to it because I refuse to let things like that mess with my life. One woman I thought was my friend, even though I never heard from her ever. I still hung on to the "illusion" that she was one of my best friends because I always thought that one day if we were to ever meet in person, that our FB friendship would blossom into something beautiful. But NOPE that didn't happen. She just got even more distant, so she's gone! Then the other woman just used me for free movies and did not put out anything that I was giving her. Nothing, so her ass is gone as well. Never again am I going to let things like that dictate my life.
Over the year of Fyrescape, I learned about so many things involving my life and what happens in it, mostly how I react to it all as well. Things have really been great lately. My exercising (well at least during the month of March) was Amazing! I've lost more weight and I've been building muscle and getting stronger. I did make many mistakes, though. Like last year in September, I went to Chama on an Elk Hunt with my dad. When I came back, I was at my lowest weight of the year. Because I hurt my knee out there, and no it wasn't bad, I used that as an excuse to cut my exercise in half. Instead of walking 6 miles daily like I had been, I cut it to 3 miles. I did not attempt to add any more to my exercising either, which was a huge mistake. It wasn't until mid January when my weight had gone up a significant amount, that I got pretty crazy scared and started to bust my arse again! I started weight training, along with doing a Bowflex workout every other day followed by an Ab lounge workout, and finally doing time on my exercise bike. I did all that after my morning 3 miles. Then in the evenings, I started doing DDP yoga, followed by crunches, cross leg lifts, elevated leg swings, pushups, and finishing off my day with a dumbbell workout. So I've been really hitting that daily since the end of February. So now, my body is really getting a workout. Ever since this month, though, because of those two women, my focus has been crap! I hadn't been able to do much because that just consumed my mind and I hated it. Anyway, I learned how to deal with it, just as I've learned how to deal with my past mistakes. I wish I hadn't slowed down back in October of last year. I wish I just took maybe 3 weeks off, then hit it hard again and started adding more to my workouts. That is what I wish I did. So, during this Fyrescape II, I'm going to be doing everything even better than before! I'm not going to constantly push myself, though. That's another thing that I learned. The way my thinking was, is that if I did not do something everyday, then I screwed up and that would just mess with my focus. I'll feel like I just wasted everything, just because I missed one day. Well that is BS and I'm never going to be that way again. I've learned that there are some days when you won't be able to get the job done because of life. Life will get in the way of your routine, but the important thing is that you NEVER GIVE UP!! If you miss a day, fine, don't beat yourself up over it. Just get back out there the following day. Also, if you're tired, or your body is tired, the take a day to rest up. It's not the end of the world just because you decided to let your body rest just one day. Always take care of yourself because if you overwork your body and end up injuring yourself, you could be out a lot more days than you ever thought you would, so Be Careful! That is how I'm going to do this Fyrescape II...with all the things I've learned from last year, all put into this year so I can do it even better. Eventually, it'll burn itself into my everyday life and 40 years from now, I'll still be doing this everyday! That is the point of this entire Journey.
One last thing is that my blogs, they will be solely focused on my exercise routine. That is why I write daily. One mistake I made last year was that I would record my Everyday happenings into my blog. Like what I ate, what I watched, what I did after exercising, where I went. In other words, it just turned into a Daily Journal and I did not intend for that to happen. That's not what this is about. I wanted to record my journey to better health both physically and mentally. So in this new blog, it's basically going to be the same as the last two months of my first year of Fyrescape had been, where I post only the things I had done to exercise or things I've learned. Nothing more! These new blogs aren't titled with the sub, 'Overkill' anymore because when I did the Overkill title, those were just to indicate that my workouts had gotten more intense than when I just did 6 or 3 miles per day and nothing more. That meant that I was doing way more daily, thus 'Overkill'. Fyrescape II is going to be a daily Overkill in itself. I'm incorporating the Bowflex, Weights, Ab Lounge, Exercise Bike, DDP yoga and other workouts into my daily routine. Then when I get to the final year in my Fyrescape, that one will be more intense. The last year, I started in bad health, both physically and mentally and I blossomed into Unicorn status. That is what I call what I had transformed into after learning so much and going thru so many experiences both good and bad. Now, on Fyrescape II, I am shooting for Mystic Dragon status, which is something that I never thought would be possible in my life. What is that, you may ask? Well, you'll have to find out because in this new year, my exercising will still continue and I'll still be dropping weight, but I think there is going to be so much more in my life that is going to happen that I have put off for too long. That is what I look forward to most.
So Welcome to my new Fyrescape II journey, which is a continuance to Mystic Dragon status. Things should be very interesting. Not right off the bat, just so you know. It'll take time. Right now, I'm going to continue my workouts and slowly start building back up to the way I was during the month of March. It'll be great once I get there! Lots coming in this new year ;}
Fyre (Connor Resnya)
A brand new year starts today! I've very excited because I have indeed come a long way. When I first started Fyrescape, I was green in all ways of exercise. I knew practically nothing! There were so many things that went on in my life as well that I let disrupt everything. But now, that's all changed. I went thru my highs and lows last year. Now, it's a Brand New Year! I feel confident going into this new year with a changed heart and mind, along with total Focus! That was one thing I had really lacked this month (the last month of Fyrescape.) I had gone thru some friend problems. That's the thing about me, I always seem to bring out the worst in people and I don't know why. I met a friend from Facebook whom I'd known for over seven years. Met her at the beginning of the month. Well she showed her true colors by pretty much ignoring me after we met. She didn't bother to call, text, FB msg me or anything. She didn't even say goodbye when she left and that really did a number on my focus. I kept wondering what I did, or what I said. Anyway, long story short, she really disrupted my life and the things I had been solidly focused on such as exercise and living. The other woman was also from Facebook. She and I started to go out to movies and I really liked her. Each time I saw her, I liked her. Well she didn't open up to me either. Oh I'm sure she loved hearing what I had to say about her though. Surely boosted her ego! She took that and ran with it, started flirting with guys on her page. Disregarded telling anyone about me on her page and wouldn't tell anyone WHO she was going to the movies with and WHO took her to a movie, or WHO she had lunch/dinner with. Nothing! I did that. I wasn't ashamed. I let everyone know who I was hanging out with. Not her, though. She just kept me a secret from everyone and that really made me feel like I was just being used and very unappreciated. She and I went to a movie, actually the last movie we went to see together and when the movie was over, she ran out on me. Then, we had one more movie date about 2 Friday's ago. She just ignored me that whole day. That also screwed with my focus the entire month. Well, that all stopped! Seriously, I cut both of those women from my life. I refuse to be some chicks side toy to play with when she's bored. I'm not going to lower myself to that crap! So no matter how much I think about whether what I did was right, I still stick to it because I refuse to let things like that mess with my life. One woman I thought was my friend, even though I never heard from her ever. I still hung on to the "illusion" that she was one of my best friends because I always thought that one day if we were to ever meet in person, that our FB friendship would blossom into something beautiful. But NOPE that didn't happen. She just got even more distant, so she's gone! Then the other woman just used me for free movies and did not put out anything that I was giving her. Nothing, so her ass is gone as well. Never again am I going to let things like that dictate my life.
Over the year of Fyrescape, I learned about so many things involving my life and what happens in it, mostly how I react to it all as well. Things have really been great lately. My exercising (well at least during the month of March) was Amazing! I've lost more weight and I've been building muscle and getting stronger. I did make many mistakes, though. Like last year in September, I went to Chama on an Elk Hunt with my dad. When I came back, I was at my lowest weight of the year. Because I hurt my knee out there, and no it wasn't bad, I used that as an excuse to cut my exercise in half. Instead of walking 6 miles daily like I had been, I cut it to 3 miles. I did not attempt to add any more to my exercising either, which was a huge mistake. It wasn't until mid January when my weight had gone up a significant amount, that I got pretty crazy scared and started to bust my arse again! I started weight training, along with doing a Bowflex workout every other day followed by an Ab lounge workout, and finally doing time on my exercise bike. I did all that after my morning 3 miles. Then in the evenings, I started doing DDP yoga, followed by crunches, cross leg lifts, elevated leg swings, pushups, and finishing off my day with a dumbbell workout. So I've been really hitting that daily since the end of February. So now, my body is really getting a workout. Ever since this month, though, because of those two women, my focus has been crap! I hadn't been able to do much because that just consumed my mind and I hated it. Anyway, I learned how to deal with it, just as I've learned how to deal with my past mistakes. I wish I hadn't slowed down back in October of last year. I wish I just took maybe 3 weeks off, then hit it hard again and started adding more to my workouts. That is what I wish I did. So, during this Fyrescape II, I'm going to be doing everything even better than before! I'm not going to constantly push myself, though. That's another thing that I learned. The way my thinking was, is that if I did not do something everyday, then I screwed up and that would just mess with my focus. I'll feel like I just wasted everything, just because I missed one day. Well that is BS and I'm never going to be that way again. I've learned that there are some days when you won't be able to get the job done because of life. Life will get in the way of your routine, but the important thing is that you NEVER GIVE UP!! If you miss a day, fine, don't beat yourself up over it. Just get back out there the following day. Also, if you're tired, or your body is tired, the take a day to rest up. It's not the end of the world just because you decided to let your body rest just one day. Always take care of yourself because if you overwork your body and end up injuring yourself, you could be out a lot more days than you ever thought you would, so Be Careful! That is how I'm going to do this Fyrescape II...with all the things I've learned from last year, all put into this year so I can do it even better. Eventually, it'll burn itself into my everyday life and 40 years from now, I'll still be doing this everyday! That is the point of this entire Journey.
One last thing is that my blogs, they will be solely focused on my exercise routine. That is why I write daily. One mistake I made last year was that I would record my Everyday happenings into my blog. Like what I ate, what I watched, what I did after exercising, where I went. In other words, it just turned into a Daily Journal and I did not intend for that to happen. That's not what this is about. I wanted to record my journey to better health both physically and mentally. So in this new blog, it's basically going to be the same as the last two months of my first year of Fyrescape had been, where I post only the things I had done to exercise or things I've learned. Nothing more! These new blogs aren't titled with the sub, 'Overkill' anymore because when I did the Overkill title, those were just to indicate that my workouts had gotten more intense than when I just did 6 or 3 miles per day and nothing more. That meant that I was doing way more daily, thus 'Overkill'. Fyrescape II is going to be a daily Overkill in itself. I'm incorporating the Bowflex, Weights, Ab Lounge, Exercise Bike, DDP yoga and other workouts into my daily routine. Then when I get to the final year in my Fyrescape, that one will be more intense. The last year, I started in bad health, both physically and mentally and I blossomed into Unicorn status. That is what I call what I had transformed into after learning so much and going thru so many experiences both good and bad. Now, on Fyrescape II, I am shooting for Mystic Dragon status, which is something that I never thought would be possible in my life. What is that, you may ask? Well, you'll have to find out because in this new year, my exercising will still continue and I'll still be dropping weight, but I think there is going to be so much more in my life that is going to happen that I have put off for too long. That is what I look forward to most.
So Welcome to my new Fyrescape II journey, which is a continuance to Mystic Dragon status. Things should be very interesting. Not right off the bat, just so you know. It'll take time. Right now, I'm going to continue my workouts and slowly start building back up to the way I was during the month of March. It'll be great once I get there! Lots coming in this new year ;}
Fyre (Connor Resnya)
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